Cutting out
Step 1
From each of six (6) of your rainbow fabrics, cut one large Part B template.
Step 2
From each the remaining seven (7) of your rainbow fabrics, cut two (2) small Part B templates. Note, you will have a total of fourteen pieces, but only twelve will be used.
Step 3
From the background fabric cut six (6) large Part A templates and twelve (12) small Part A templates.
Step 4
From the binding fabric cut four (4) 21⁄2in x 22in strips.
Step 5
Follow the instructions below to stitch all the large and small blocks. You will have six (6) large blocks and twelve (12) small blocks. Trim the larger blocks to 5in square and the smaller blocks to 23⁄4in square.
Step 6
Arrange the blocks as shown, referring to the photo. Sew the small blocks together in pairs. Then join the blocks together in three rows. Join the rows to complete the quilt top.
Step 7
Make a quilt sandwich using your backing, batting and completed quilt top. Baste in place and quilt as desired. We have quilted simple gridded lines.
Step 8
Trim away excess batting and backing, and square up the quilt. Sew your binding strips together end to end and use to bind the quilt.

How to sew a Drunkard's Path quilt block
Step 1
Using one set of templates, cut out one piece of fabric using Part A, and a contrasting piece of fabric using Part B. Fold each piece in half once and press to make a crease to mark the centre of each curve.

Step 2
With the Part B fabric right side up, lay the Part A piece on top, right side down. Match the centres and each end and pin in place. Ease the Part A fabric along the curve between the points and pin in place.

Step 3
Sew along the curved edge of the pinned pair, using a 1⁄8in seam allowance. Go slowly, pivoting with the needle down to make a smooth curve. Press the seam to one side to complete one block.