How to make a blanket with pockets

How to make a blanket with pockets

Make the ultimate warm blanket with this toasty patchwork blanket with pockets from Juliet Bawden. You’ll never want to be without it!

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Published: May 26, 2021 at 8:37 am

We love adding pockets to garments, but why not add a pocket to your blankets too? This patchwork blanket has a pocket big enough to contain a hot water bottle, ensuring that you stay cosy even when the weather gets chilly.

If you're planning a picnic in the spring or autumn, this blanket with pockets can help you to stay snug when the temperature drops. Alternatively, wrap yourself up in this blanket on a cold winter evening and feel toasty warm.

This blanket would be a great gift for a friend or family member who really feels the cold in the winter.

Read on to learn how to make a blanket with pockets step by step.

New to sewing? Take a look at our guides to sewing for beginners, sewing kits for beginners and best sewing machines for beginners.

This project was first featured in Simply Sewing Magazine. Discover what's inside the latest issue or see the latest subscription offers.


  • Seam allowance is 1cm (38in) unless otherwise stated.

You will need:

  • Hot water bottles (three, 25.5x14cm (101/8x51/2in) wide)
  • White/cream woollen blankets or wool fabric (180x172cm (70x68in))
  • Contrast woollen fabric (70x90cm (28x36in))
  • Dylon machine dyes in a variety of colours
  • Sewing machine with a heavy needle (100)
  • Matching thread
  • Basic sewing kit

Dyeing the fabric

Step 1

Take a white or cream coloured woollen blanket and, following the manufacturer’s instructions, dye the blanket in the washing machine. If you’re going to use a variety of colours, cut the blanket into large sections and dye each separately.

How to make a blanket with pockets step one

Cutting out

Step 1

Cut the dyed fabrics into rectangles, each measuring 22.5x30cm (878x1178in). Arrange to make a pleasing pattern and take a photograph to remember your layout.

Making the blanket

Step 1

Start sewing the rectangles, one on to the next, along the 30cm (12in) lengths. We made up rows with eight rectangles. The completed blanket has 48 rectangles plus three more as pockets.

How to make a blanket with pockets step two

Step 2

When the first row has been sewn, press the seams open and then sew a topstitch 5mm (¼in) on either side of the 30cm (12in) seams. This will provide a nice clean finish on the underside of the blanket.

How to make a blanket with pockets step three

Step 3

Sew the second row of rectangles as you did the first. Then topstitch as before. Sew the two rows together along their length. Press open the seam and then topstitch either side of this long seam.

How to make a blanket with pockets step four

Step 4

Repeat these steps with the rest of the rectangles. You should then end up with a complete blanket.

Adding the pockets

Step 1

Take the three pocket pieces and turn under the edges by 1cm (38in) and neaten. Pin them onto the blanket and sew down each side and along the bottom.

How to make a blanket with pockets step five


Step 1

Turn under the edges all the way round the blanket and pin.

Step 2

Sew with a running stitch to neaten the edges.

How to make a blanket with pockets step six

You’ve finished! You now know how to make a blanket with pockets. We hope you enjoy using your snuggly new blanket.

Looking for more winter sewing patterns to make? Learn how to make a pompom blanket, sew our dressing gown pattern or make your own pom pom slippers.

How to make a blanket with pockets