Free Christmas Bunting Sewing Pattern

Free Christmas Bunting Sewing Pattern

Reach for the fun prints, gold stitching and shiny sequins – Anna Alicia's simple tree bunting ticks all the boxes! Find out how to make your own Christmas decorations below...

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Published: November 23, 2018 at 9:11 pm

Scroll down to download our free Christmas decorations sewing patterns to make this project.

This tutorial was first featured in our Christmas Makes book with issue 36 of Simply Sewing magazine. If you'd like to make all 14 projects from the book, it's still available to download through the Simply Sewing Digital Issues app. See more of Anna Alicia's work over on instagram @aalicialondon

You will need

  • Fabric A: 30x40cm (12x16in)
  • Fabric B: 30x40cm (12x16in)
  • Fabric C: 30x40cm (12x16in)
  • Cotton tape: 1cm (38in) wide x 1m (1yd) each of two different colours
  • 12 small sequins
  • Narrow cotton cord: 2m (2yds)
  • Metallic machine embroidery thread
  • Matching thread
  • Basic sewing kit
  • Download our freeFree Christmas Bunting Sewing Pattern here


Use a 1cm (38in) seam allowance throughout.

Cutting out

Step 1

Trace the tree template and cut it out.

Step 2

Fold fabric A in half with right sides (RS) together. Place the tree template on top and draw around it four times with at least 2cm (34in) between each.

How to make Christmas bunting step 1

Step 3

Pin the two layers of fabric together and cut them out 1cm (38in) outside the drawn lines for a seam allowance.

Step 4

Repeat this to cut out four trees from fabric B and four trees from fabric C.

Stitching the trees

Step 1

Sew along the two longer edges of each tree, along your drawn lines.

Step 2

Trim the seams and then turn the trees RS out and press.

How to make Christmas bunting step 2


Step 3

Turn the bottom open edges under by 1cm (38in) to the wrong side (WS) and press.

How to make Christmas bunting step 3

Adding a trunk

Step 1

Cut 12 lengths of cotton tape measuring 6.5cm (258in).

Step 2

Fold the tape in half so the ends meet and press.


Step 3

Tuck the raw ends of one piece of tape into the bottom of a tree to form the trunk, making sure it’s in the centre.


Step 4

Pin into place and repeat with all the trees.

Decorating the trees

Step 1

Using metallic machine embroidery thread, stitch along the bottom edge of a tree, 2mm (116in) up from the folded under edge and starting 2mm (116in) in from the side.

Step 2

Continue to sew from side to side in a zigzag towards the tip of your tree, like tinsel.

Easy Christmas Bunting DIY step 8

Step 3

Repeat with each tree.

Finishing off

Step 1

Stitch the tip of each tree to the narrow cord, spacing them evenly apart and leaving 10cm (4in) of cord at either end.

Step 2

Sew a sequin to the tip of each tree.

Easy Christmas Bunting DIY step 9

Step 3

Tie the ends of the cord into loops, and your bunting is ready to hang.

Easy Christmas Bunting DIY step 11

Ta da! Your bunting is complete.

Free Christmas bunting Sewing Pattern