Step 1
Step four Take another scrap of fabric and overlap it slightly on top of the first and brush glue over it. Repeat this by overlapping the fabric scraps and brushing over until your whole bauble is covered. You can add more scraps until you’re happy with the way it looks.
Step 2
Cut your fabric into small pieces. They can be all different shapes and sizes but not bigger than 2-3cm (¾ to 1¼in). You can use a mixture of different patterns and and colours to get a multi coloured effect or use the same print throughout if you prefer a simpler look.
Sticking the fabric
Step 1
If the metal cap of the bauble can be removed then take this out before you start but if not, then don’t worry as you can just stick the fabric pieces up to the edge of it. Put a wooden skewer of the end of a paintbrush inside the bauble so you can hold this whilst you glue the fabric into place.

Step 2
Place one piece of fabric on your bauble, starting wherever you like and brush glue lightly on top – just enough to hold it in place. The glue will dry clear so don’t worry that it looks white and cloudy at this stage.

Step 3
Put the skewer into a mug or jar so the sticky bauble doesn’t touch anything then leave it to dry overnight. Push the metal cap back in if you took it off at the start.

Making the hanging strip
Step 1
You can just loop a length of ribbon through your bauble or, for a matching look, make one from a strip of one of the fabrics you used to cover the bauble. To make your own, fold a strip of fabric in half lengthways with right sides (RS) together.
Step 2
Now stitch the strip together down the length using a 5mm (¼in) seam allowance. Turn the strip RS out and press.

Step 3
Thread the strip through the top of the bauble then overlap the two short ends and slip stitch together or just knot for a simpler look.