Create your own adorable leather lace-up baby boots to treasure for years with Karolina Radomska-Nishii's tutorial. She shows you how to make these cuties with her leather baby boot pattern and we promise you'll fall in love with how small they are. It’s surprisingly easy to play shoemaker and create a gorgeous pair of leather baby booties. Shoes this sweet can be kept and treasured for years as a family heirloom, and they make wonderful gifts for new parents. Plus they’re practical too, as they’re easy to slip on and off. If you’re new to the world of sewing don’t worry you can still make some leather baby booties. Just head over to our sewing for beginners and how to use a sewing machine guide to help you master the techniques then come make here to follow Karolina's free leather baby shoes pattern.
We used a hole punch, as piercing leather with a needle can look scruffy. Pull the thread firmly at each stitch to keep things even then wrap them up in a party gift box and give them to the new parents. Whip up a matching card using our free animal new baby cardmaking printables and you're all ready to gift. If you're looking for even more cute baby projects then you've come to the right place. Whether it's a crochet baby blanket or a baby album, we have a huge range of new baby gift ideas here on Gathered. But for now, it's over to Karolina and her leather baby shoes pattern.

You'll need

- Soft natural leather, approx. 50 x 30cm (19¾ x 117/8“)
- Rubber sheet, 1-2mm thick, 14 x 10cm (5½ x 4″)
- Two needles
- Thick thread, 0.8mm
- Scissors
- Hammer
- Measuring tape
- Pencil
- Leather punch (for punching holes 1 and 3mm diameter)
- Pair of shoelaces
- Templates