How to make kid's denim crowns

How to make kid's denim crowns

Your little prince or princess will love playing dress-up with Jessica Entwistle’s pom pom trimmed denim crowns.

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Published: August 4, 2020 at 7:00 am

Designer Jessica Entwistle says "These denim crowns are great for dressing up or as partywear for the birthday girl or boy. You can add as much embellishment as you like – I’ve adorned mine with colourful pom poms, ribbon, felt and buttons. And, as they have a tie fastening, they’ll fit kids of all ages.”

You will find all of the templates needed to make the crown and tiara here.

You will need:

  • Fabric (denim, to fit the templates (we used half a leg of a pair of jeans); cotton fabric, 1 fat quarter)
  • Iron-on-interfacing (medium 50cm (20in))
  • Embellishments (sewing thread, bright pink and turquoise; small pieces of felt; 25mm (1in) grosgrain ribbon, pink and turquoise, 1m (40in) each; narrow pink ribbon, 24cm (9in); button (if making the tiara); stranded cotton (to match your backing fabric and button); yarn in different shades for the pom poms; pom pom maker, 45mm (2in))
  • Air or water erasable pen

Tracing the template

Step 1

Trace around and cut out the crown or tiara template.

Step 2

Fold the denim in half right sides (RS) together and place your template centrally on top, with the fold edge in line with the folded fabric, and draw around it with an erasable pen. Open out the folded fabric, flip the template over, and then draw around it again to create your crown or tiara outline. Repeat with the backing fabric.

Decorating your tiara

Step 1

If you’re making the tiara, cut out a flower and five petals, from felt, using the template. Pin the narrow ribbon centrally across the denim.

Denim crown step 1

Step 2

Sew your ribbon in place with running stitch. Pin your felt flower to the centre of the ribbon and sew this on. Sew the individual flower petals on one by one then sew the button at the centre.

How to make a kid’s crown

Making your crown or tiara

Step 1

Pin your denim and backing pieces RS together and sew together along the top and bottom of the template marks, making sure you don’t sew down the sides (these are left open for turning).

How to make kid’s crowns

Step 2

Trim the seams and snip notch marks along the curves (making sure you don’t cut into your stitching). Turn RS out through one of the open ends.

Denim crown step 4

Step 3

Press your fabric flat, folding the excess fabric at the open ends in ready to be sewn shut. Cut the grosgrain ribbon in half and pin each piece centrally in place at both open ends.

How to make kid’s crowns

Step 4

Then topstitch down the edges to close the open ends and secure the ties.

Step 5

Fold the ends of the ribbon over and stitch down to hem.

Adding pom poms

Step 1

Make five pom poms in yarn. Use three strands of stranded cotton to tie up the pom poms, leaving a 15cm (6in) tail to sew one at the top of each crown point

How to make kid's crowns