How to make an infinity scarf

How to make an infinity scarf

The simple tube scarf is the perfect project if you've got some favourite prints to show off. It's one of our favourite quick and easy sewing projects, using just six fat quarters of fabric.

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Published: August 20, 2019 at 2:28 pm

To kick start our series of Fast Fat Quarter projects for you to make in just an evening or two, we're showing you how to sew an infinity scarf, designed by Jessica Entwistle. You don't need much sewing experience to give it a go, but if you're more of a seasoned sewist looking for a quick project, you should be able to whip up this fantastic cowl in an afternoon.

How to sew a tube scarf tutorial

You will need

  • Six fat quarters of your chosen fabric. We used Modern Neutrals by Amy Ellis for Moda Fabrics: 1 x Grey Satellite, 3504-16, 1 x Sky Whispered Lace, 3500-12, 2 x Teal Beacon, 3502-21 and 2 x Teal Gems, 3507-22
  • Matching thread
  • Basic sewing kit
  • Sewing machine

Step by step guide

Step 1

Trim your fat quarters to the same size. Arrange the six pieces into two rows of three.

Step 2

Sew the first two fat quarters from the top row, with right sides facing and a 1.25cm (12in) seam allowance.

Step 3

Sew together the second and third fat quarters from the top row. Repeat with the bottom row fat quarters so you have 2 rows of 3 squares.

Step 4

Place your two fat quarter rows right side down and press the seams apart, so that they’re less bulky. Pin the top row of fat quarters on top of the bottom row, with right sides together and the seams lined up.

Step 5

Check the width of your scarf is even. To do this, fold your scarf in half widthways so the two short edges meet – move the top layer back by around 2.5cm (1in). Mark a stitch line on both sides of the two short ends, at least 1.25cm (12in) from the raw edge. Unfold and sew up both long seams, following your marks.

Step 6

Trim any threads and press. Turn your scarf right side out, press again and lay flat.

Step 7

Carefully pull the left end of the scarf back on itself (like peeling a banana) so that the right sides of the scarf are facing each other inside. Pull back all the way to the right-hand side so the two short raw edges line up.

Step 8

Pin together the short raw edges in a circle. Stitch around with a 1.25cm (12in) seam allowance, leaving a 10cm (4in) turning gap.

Step 9

Pull the scarf through the turning gap until it’s right side out.

Step 10

Press your scarf, including the gap, tucking the excess fabric inside the gap. Handsew the opening closed using an invisible stitch. Your scarf is finished!