Cutting the fabric
Step 1
Cut the main fabric into two pieces, for the front and back of the present sack, 68x53cm (26 ¾ x 21in) each.
Step 2
Cut the top frill fabric into two pieces, 13x53cm (5 ¼ x 21in) each.
Step 3
Cut the lining fabric into two pieces, 78x53cm (30 ¾ x 21in) each.
Appliquéing the star
Step 1
Trace the star template from the pattern sheet and cut it out.
Step 2
Place the cut out star on the back of the appliqué fabric and draw round it in pencil. Cut it out 1cm (3/8in) outside the drawn line all the way around the star.
Step 3
Turn the edges of the appliqué fabric over to the wrong side up to the drawn line and press. Fold the corners over and snip off a little of the excess if the fabric is too bulky. Tack these folded over edges into place.

Step 4
Measure to place the star in the centre of one of the main pieces of fabric and tack it into place.
Step 5
You can appliqué the star to your fabric by machine or work a blanket stitch round the edge using red stranded cotton as we have.

Assembling the sack
Step 1
Place one top frill piece right sides (RS) together along the top of the appliquéd main piece matching raw edges and stitch.
Step 2
Repeat with the other top frill piece and the back main piece.
Step 3
Place the joined front and back RS together matching frill seams and stitch together down the sides and across the bottom.

Step 4
Place the two lining pieces RS together and stitch down the sides and along the bottom but leaving a gap in the centre of the bottom seam for turning.
Step 5
Place the joined sack outer inside the lining so that RS are touching and sew together all the way around the top edge.
Step 6
Turn the sack RS out through the gap in the lining. Turn the gap edges under. Slip stitch closed. Push the lining inside the sack outer.
Making the casing
Step 1
Work a line of machine stitching along the seam between the main fabric and top frill fabric though the lining. Work another line of machine stitching 3cm (1¼in) below this.
Step 2
Snip the stitching between these two casing lines through the outer fabric only and oversew the top and bottom of this to make sure the stitches don’t come undone.

Step 3
Thread the piping cord through the casing and tie the ends in a knot to complete.