Cutting out
Step 1
Fold the fabric right sides (RS) together as shown, to make two equal halves.
Step 2
To make your own harem pants pattern lay your jeans over one section, folded along the folded edge of the fabric.
Step 3
Trace around but drop the gusset and extend the waist by 15-20cm (6-8in). Add 2.5cm (1in) to the leg length for a hem.

Step 4
Repeat this process to trace and extend the other leg.
Step 5
Cut out along the drawn lines.
Stitching the legs
Step 1
Sew the inner leg seam for each leg, leaving the gusset unstitched.
Step 2
Put one leg into the other with RS facing and pin then sew the gusset closed.

Making the waistband
Step 1
Measure your waist and cut the elastic to size, adding a seam allowance.
Step 2
Cut a strip of fabric 20cm (8in) deep and 2cm (¾in) longer than the elastic.
Step 3
Join the short ends of the elastic together then repeat with the fabric.
Step 4
Place the elastic inside the fabric loop and fold it over wrong sides together.
Step 5
Sew the open raw edges closed to complete the waistband.
Attaching the waistband
Step 1
Create a box pleat at the front of your trousers at the centre of one leg then repeat on the other leg. Make sure the pleats are evenly gathered and spaced and fit across the front half of the waistband.
Step 2
Gather the fabric evenly at the back of the trousers to fit the back of the waistband.
Step 3
Place the trousers RS together with the raw edges of the waistband then stitch.
Hemming the legs
Step 1
Measure your ankle. Cut the elastic to this length, adding a seam allowance.
Step 2
Join the short ends together.
Step 3
Fold then stitch the bottom of one leg over twice with the loop of elastic inside.
Step 4
Repeat this for the other leg. Harem pants complete!