25 Fat Quarter Projects – quick and easy things to make with fat quarters
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25 Fat Quarter Projects – quick and easy things to make with fat quarters

Looking for ways to use up your favourite fat quarter fabrics? Try these fun fat quarter project ideas that only need one or two fat quarters to sew.

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Published: June 1, 2023 at 11:20 am

Discover the joy of quilting with our fat quarter projects! Fat quarter fabric is available in all the colours of the rainbow and you can find them with pretty much any fabric style or print you choose.

Whatever your fabric style, there's a fat quarter out there to give you an instant flavour of it at an affordable price.

But once you've stocked up they can be, well... tricky to sew with at times as you only get a small, pre-cut piece of fabric. That's why they're beloved by quilters as they're a quick way of building up a fabric stash of coordinating prints for the prettiest of patchwork.

We've filled this round-up with some easy fat quarter projects to inspire you.

Read on to discover our favourite things to make with fat quarters, from quick-sew accessories to easy DIY gift ideas. We've included 25 projects that all use either just one fat quarter, or a handful - so you'll find ideas whether you've got one or a cupboard overflowing with fat quarter fabrics to use up.

Your guide to using fat quarters!

Looking for a specific piece of information? Jump straight to the section below.

What is a fat quarter of fabric?

Fat quarters are the most popular standard cuts of fabric and are hugely popular with quilters.

While traditionally, fabrics are brought by the metre or yard. This means if you buy a quarter of a metre then this is cut off the bolt to produce a long thin strip of fabric.

However, with fat quarters the fabric width is divided equally into quarters instead. This produces 4 large rectangular pieces of fabric (which are very similar to squares in shape).

Fat quarters usually come in bundles of coordinating prints from the same collection. They're also a really neat way of creating unified colourways and themes in quilts.

If you're new to sewing, learn the ropes with our sewing for beginners guide.

Guide to standard fabric sizes for quilting
A fat quarter measures 22 x 18 inches. As shown here in number 3 in our guide to standard fabric sizes from our article How much fabric do i need for my quilt?

How big is a fat quarter of fabric?

Fat quarters vary slightly in size but they usually measure 18 x 22 inches when the fabric is cut by the yard. When cut by the metre they measure 50 x 55 centimetres.

Not sure how to use your fat quarters? Read our guide to how to use a sewing machine.

25 quick fat quarter projects

1. Make your own headbands

Jennie Jones has written a great tutorial for how to make double-sided headbands using just two fat quarters of fabric. They're a lovely way to wear your favourite prints and make great gifts too.

How to make headbands tutorial

2. Make a patchwork bag

Make your own gorgeous patchwork bag from fat quarters with Sonia Spence's easy tutorial.

3. Easy drawstring bag

Show off your prettiest fat quarters with our how to make a drawstring bag tutorial. It uses just one fat quarter of fabric plus a piece of scrap fabric for the front pocket. If you'd prefer to make it a bit bigger you can add a second fat quarter and increase the size pretty easily.

How to make a drawstring bag

4. Turn them into handy storage

All you need is 1 fat quarter and some lining fabric to make these quick-stitch storage baskets – a great way to add a pop of colour to any room of your home! Learn how to make fat quarter storage basketswith our free tutorial.

Fabric sewing baskets pattern

5. Whip up a cute clutch bag

This stylish free fat quarter project is one our favourites here on Gathered! Our how to sew a bow clutch bag only use one fat quarter for the bag and another for the bow detail on the front!

Clutch bag pattern tutorial

6. Quick-sew apron

This free gardening apron pattern only uses one fat quarter and will last you for years. It's also handy to wear while you're crafting to keep your notions and essential tools in there.

DIY Gardening Apron Pattern

7. Make teeny tiny baby bootees

If you're looking for things to make with fat quarters, small projects are perfect as they suit the pre-cut fabric size of fat quarter fabrics. Welcome new arrives with our how to sew baby booties tutorial!

How to sew reversible baby booties using fat quarters

8. Make an infinity scarf

Love this idea for turning your favourite fabric prints into an everyday wardrobe staple! This one uses six fat quarters of fabric – opt for complimentary tones and prints or go full-on glorious clashing for a maximalist effect.

Head over to our how to make an infinity scarf to learn how.

Free infinity scarf pattern

9. Fat quarter DIY dog bed

Patchwork, of course, tops our list when it comes to fat quarter projects – and if you're looking for a smaller patchwork project to try it out with your fat quarters, this DIY dog bed could be the one for you. It also doubles up as a floor cushion if you're not a pet-owner.

DIY dog bed pattern

10. Sew reusable fabric gift bags

We're on a push to be more sustainable with our sewing and these sweet fabric gift bags are a great way to give gifts without wrapping paper. The bag itself doubles up as part of the gift as your recipient can reuse it for future gifts or to keep jewellery and other keepsakes in.

How to make a fabric gift bag

11. Make your own bow ties

These DIY bow ties are lovely way to add a personal touch to DIY wedding plans, or to add a unique feel to formal outfits.

Follow our how to sew bowtiestutorial and whip some up in a few hours!

Bow tie sewing pattern

12. Quick-sew sleep masks for sweet dreams

Learn how to make a sleep mask with our easy pattern. We love turning this project into a handmade gift, or make them for yourself to boost your rest-levels and recharge for a new day of sewing!

How to sew a sleep mask

13. Get festive with fabric paper chains!

If you've got a couple of Christmas fat quarters squirrelled away, this is a cute idea – turn them into DIY fabric paper chains!

How to make fabric paper chains for Christmas

14. Make a Kantha quilt from fat quarters

Inspired by traditional Indian craft techniques, this kantha quilt is also an easy first quilt to make so it's a lovely introduction to using your fat quarters to make a patchwork quilt.

How to make a kantha quilt

15. Turn your fabrics into a kite mobile

This sweet nursery make is a great way to use up fabric scraps or a favourite fat quarter in your stash. Grab your fabrics and head over to our how to make a kite mobile tutorial.

How to make a mobile kite pattern

16. Sew a simple patchwork cushion

If you're interested in trying patchwork with your fat quarters but are still building your sewing confidence, we've got a great tutorial by Sarah Griffiths for how to sew a patchwork cushion by hand.

It uses 5 fat quarters and is a soothing make as you can sew it by hand on the sofa in your evenings!

How to sew patchwork by hand for beginners cushion

17. Create playful pinwheels

There's something essentially cheery about pinwheels - this seaside favourite of our childhood also makes a quick, colourful home sewing project that kids and grown-ups alike will love.

They're also perfect for fat quarters as you don't need much fabric to make them! Use our how to sew fabric pinwheels tutorial to transform your fat quarters.

How to sew your own fabric pinwheels

18. DIY pencil case

Get ready for the new school term with this fun DIY pencil case fat quarter project – you'll get to practise inserting a zip too.

It's a great introduction to this technique and will only take you an evening or two to make.

How to sew your own pencil case

19. Sew up a sunglasses case

Cases and cosies make perfect fat quarter projects and they're also practical items that will turn your fabric stash into everyday essentials! We've got a step by step sunglasses case DIY which is perfect for fat quarter fabrics for you...

Sunglasses case

20. Dress up your dinner table

Make a simple placemat and coaster set and turn your fat quarter fabrics into wow-making home decor!

How to sew a tablemat and caoster set

21. DIY bookends

Brighten up bookshelves around your home by turning fat quarter fabrics into these eye-catching DIY bookends. We've got a quick-sew tutorial from Mollie Makes to show you how.

DIY bookends

22. Easy-make tablet holder made with fat quarters

Tech accessories have come along way in recent years – the old days of black, boring designs are long gone! Take it up a notch and sew your own tablet holder with this quick and easy fat quarter project to make in just one evening.

How to make a tablet holder

23. Make your own pattern weights

One for all those of you who enjoy a little handmade touch in your sewing kit – these DIY pattern weights are a great way of using up fat quarters of fabric to add a unique style to your craft space.

Do you enjoy watching a creative TV show while you tackle your latest WIP? Check out our guide to the best craft tv shows to find a new show!

How to make DIY pattern weights

24. Make a bento bag

This clever bento bag sewing pattern uses three fat quarters of fabric and is so easy to sew – it's one our most popular patterns here on Gathered and we can see why.

How to sew a Bento Bag

25. Whip up a velcro wallet using fat quarters

We initially shared this how to make a velcro wallet tutorial with younger sewists in mind. It's actually useful for all ages as another everyday fat quarter project that you'll use again and again.

You'll need one fat quarter of fabric, some velcro and a few basic sewing supplies.

How to make a velcro wallet

Get creative with these fat quarter projects

Fat quarter projects are fun, quick, and satisfying to make. You can whip up these sweet projects in one evening with very little fabric and for a very low cost.

Grab your favourite fat quarter bundles and let your creativity run wild!

Discover more sewing projects with Gathered

We hope you enjoy making these fat quarter projects! For more sewing inspiration, head to our round-up of the best sewing patterns for beginners for easy dressmaking projects to try.