Cutting out the fabric
Step 1
Cut the main fabric into two squares, each measuring 78x78cm (31x31in) for the front and back of the cushion.
Step 2
Trace over the appliqué words onto tracing paper then turn your traced pattern over to the wrong side (WS) and place your Bondaweb, paper side up on top. Trace over the words.
Step 3
Place your traced Bondaweb paper side up onto the WS of the appliqué fabric and press gently into place until it is firmly stuck using a dry medium temperature iron (don’t use any steam).
Step 4
Carefully cut out all the words along your drawn pencil lines. Remove the paper backing then you are ready to stick them in place.
Appliqueing the words
Step 1
Place your cushion front fabric right sides (RS) up then place all the letters centrally on top and press to fix them in place.
Step 2
Work a machine zigzag stitch around the edge of each letter so one side of the stitch goes into the appliqué fabric and the other side into the main cushion front fabric beneath. This will hold the appliqué letters firmly in place.

Inserting the zip
Step 1
Place the front and back cushion fabric pieces RS together. At the bottom side of the cushion, stitch 3cm (1¼in) from each edge.
Step 2
Using your longest machine stitch, stitch between these two lines.
Step 3
Press the seam open then lay both pieces RS down. Pin the zip RS down on top of this, making sure the teeth run centrally down the central seam. The zip slider should sit just 2mm (1⁄16in) below the end of the side seam so that the zip tape above it is on top of the side seam. The other end of the zip should extend beyond the other side seam. Pin into place.
Step 4
Stitch the zip into place all the way around, starting at the closed end. When you reach the zip slider, raise your machine foot but keep the needle in the fabric. Pull the zip down a little, continue stitching then pull the zip slider back and continue stitching back to the closed end. In this way you will have a neat row of machine stitching around the zip without a break in the stitches.
Step 5
Undo the long machine stitches you worked between the side seams and you will have a neatly inserted zip.
Making the cushion cover
Step 1
Place the cushion front and back RS together making sure the zip is undone a little way. Stitch together around the three sides without the zip.
Step 2
Press the seams open, clip the corners then turn RS out and press.
Step 3
Put the floor cushion pad inside the cover, close the zip and you’re done.