How to sew weather-themed Foundation Paper Piecing blocks

How to sew weather-themed Foundation Paper Piecing blocks

Kerry Green's super-cute blocks each revolve around a different weather forecast, with sunny spells, heatwave and early frost to name a few!

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Published: January 31, 2021 at 10:19 am

Use our Foundation Paper Piecing templates to ensure your blocks are perfectly sewn whatever the weather. These wonderful weather-themed blocks are sure to add a quirky look to any quilt design.

Here's how to piece each of the blocks...

You'll need

  • Download your free FPP weather templates
  • You'll also need a 14in ruler
  • Scroll down to find the materials for each individual block
How to sew weather themed foundation paper piercing blocks 1

How to FPP our weather-themed quilt blocks


  • Seam allowances are 14in, unless otherwise noted.
  • Templates include seam allowances around the block outer edge; however the inner section lines do not include seam allowances so remember to allow for this when cutting your fabric and add the 14in seam allowance when each section is trimmed to make the block.
  • WS= wrong side.
  • HST = Half-square Triangle.
  • Fussy cutting will require additional fabric.
heatwave quilt block


This lovely block is inspired by hot summer days! Click here to jump to the Heatwave block.

sunny spells quilt block

Sunny Spells

Bring a burst of sunshine to any quilt with the Sunny Spells block. Click here to jump to the Sunny Spells block.

cloudy skies quilt block

Cloudy Skies

Cloudy days can be beautiful too with this gorgeous Cloudy Skies block. Click here to jump to the Cloudy Skies block.

breeze quilt block

Light Breeze

This pretty pinwheel-inspired design represents a breezy day! Click here to jump to the Light Breeze block.

rain shower quilt block

Rain Shower

Add some April showers to your quilt with the Rain Shower block. Click to jump to the Rain Shower block.

thunder lightning quilt block

Stormy Night

Add some drama to any quilt by adding a Stormy Night block. Click here to jump to the Stormy Night block.

snow quilt block

Snow Day

Who doesn't love a snow day? Add your own little snow flurry to a quilt with the Snow Day block. Click here to jump to the Snow Day block.

frost quilt block

Early Frost

Add an icy look to your quilt with the Early Frost block. Click here to jump to the Early Frost block.

You will need:

  • Aqua sky fabric (14in square)
  • Light yellow fabric (12in square)
  • Dark yellow fabric (12in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (4in square)
  • Aqua sky fabric (14in square)
  • Light yellow fabric (10in square)
  • Dark yellow fabric (10in square)
  • White fabric (10in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • Aqua sky fabric (14in square)
  • White solid fabric (7in square)
  • White print fabric (7in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • Aqua sky fabric (14in square)
  • White fabric (12in square)
  • Navy fabric (10in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (3in square)
  • Aqua sky fabric (14in square)
  • Grey fabric (7in square)
  • Navy fabric (5in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • Light grey fabric (14in square)
  • Dark grey fabric (7in square)
  • Orange fabric (5in square)
  • Light yellow fabric (4in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • Fabric glue stick (optional)
  • Light grey fabric (15in square)
  • White fabric (10in square)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • Fabric glue stick (optional)
  • Aqua sky fabric (12in square)
  • Light grey fabric (2in x 14 in)
  • White fabric (5in x 20in)
  • Light blue fabric (2in x 20in)
  • Freezer paper (optional) (7in square)
  • 60-degree triangle ruler (optional)

Making the Heatwave block

Step 1

Cutting out

For this block, all the fabric pieces will be pre-cut before piecing using the freezer paper template method. Trace Sections A and B from the original template onto freezer paper including all number and letter details: the outline will be on the dull paper side (Fig A, below). As the shapes in Sections A and B are repeated, these pieces will be reused for the remaining sections.

heatwave quilt block figure a

Step 2

Cut out each freezer paper piece along the seam lines. Arrange the pieces on the wrong side of your fabric, with the waxy side against the fabric, leaving approx. 12in seam allowance around each shape. Press in place using a hot, dry iron.

Step 3

Cut out your pieces, adding a seam allowance around the edge of each one (Fig B, below). If you’re new to FPP, use a 12in seam allowance to give you extra “wiggle room” for piecing. Once cooled, you can peel the paper away from the fabric and reuse to cut more pieces. Cut the following:

  • Piece A1: cut eight (8) for A1, B4, C1, D4, E1, F4, G1, H4
  • Piece A2: cut eight (8) for A2, B1, C2, D1, E2, F1, G2, H1
  • Piece A3: cut four (4) for A3, C3, E3, G3
  • Piece A4: cut four (4) for A4, C4, E4, G4
  • Piece B2: cut four (4) for B2, D2, F2, H2
  • Piece B3: cut four (4) for B3, D3, F3, H3

heatwave quilt blocks cut out

Step 4

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create eight separate Sections, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A, C, E and G. These sections are identical so chain piecing works well here.

Step 2

Complete Sections B, D, F and H, chain piece as before.

Step 3

Join Section A to B, matching the seam points with pins and sewing from the A and B points to the outer edge. Press the joining seam open. Repeat joining C to D, E to F, and G to H.

Step 4

Join AB to CD, sewing from the inner points to the outer edge. Press the joining seam towards C. Repeat with EF to GH, pressing the joining seam towards G.

Step 5

Starting in the block centre and stitching to the outer edge, join ABCD to EFGH; the centre seams should nest together. Flip over and repeat from the block centre to the outer edge, overlapping the centre stitches. Press seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

sunny spells quilt block

To make the Sunny Spells block

Step 1

Cutting out

Using the freezer paper template method as detailed in Heatwave, trace and pre-cut pieces A2, A3, B2, B3, B4, B5, C3, D2, D3, D5 and D6 adding your seam allowance around the edges.

Step 2

Cut the following:

  • Light yellow:  212in x 3in rectangle for A4, 212in square for B1, 212in x 314in rectangle for D7
  • Dark yellow: 212in x 5in rectangle for A1
  • White: 5in square for C1, 312in square for D1
  • Aqua: 2in x 3in rectangle for C2, 2in x 212in rectangle for D4

Step 3

Cut out the original template cutting along the inner dashed lines to create four separate sections, A, B, C and D.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A, B, C and D using the corresponding fabric pieces.

Step 2

Join B to C, matching the seam points with pins. Press seam towards C.

Step 3

Join A to BC, matching the seam points with pins and sewing from the A and B points to the outer edge. Press the joining seam open.

Step 4

Join D to ABC, matching the seam points with pins and sewing from where A meets D downwards. Press the seam towards D.

Step 5

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Cloudy Skies block

Step 1

Cutting out

Trace the original template onto freezer paper including all number and letter details using the freezer paper template method (see the Heatwave block for details). Pre-cut all the fabric pieces adding your seam allowance around all edges.

Step 2

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create six separate sections, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A, B, and C using the corresponding fabric pieces.

Step 2

Join A to B matching the seam points with pins and sewing from the A1/B1 points to the outer edge. Press seam open.

Step 3

Join C to AB, matching as before and sewing from the B1/C1 points to the outer edge. Press seam open.

Step 4

Repeat steps 3-5 with Sections D, E and F, joining F to DE.

Step 5

Join ABC above DEF. Press seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Light Breeze block

Step 1

Cutting out

Trace piece A3 from the original template onto freezer paper using the freezer paper template method (see the Heatwave block for details). This will be reused for C3, E3 and G3.

Step 2

Using the A3 freezer paper piece and the aqua fabric, cut four (4) A3 pieces your seam allowance around all edges. These are for A3, C3, E3, G3.

Step 3

Cut the following:

  • Aqua: cut four (4) 3in squares for B3, D3, F3, H3, cut two (2) 212in squares then subcut each square along diagonal to make four HSTs for B2, D2, F2, H2
  • White: cut two (2) 212in squares then subcut each square along diagonal to make four HSTs for A2, C2, E2, G2, cut four (4) 2in x 3in rectangles for pieces B1, D1, F1, H1
  • Navy: cut four (4) 2in x 3in rectangles for pieces A1, C1, E1, G1.

Step 4

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create eight separate sections, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Sections A, C, E and G are identical so complete using the chain piecing technique. Repeat with Sections B, D, F, and H.

Step 2

Join A to B matching the seam points with pins and sewing from A2/B1 to the outer edge. Press seam open. Repeat joining C to D, E to F, and G to H.

Step 3

Join AB to GH matching the seam points with pins and sewing from A/ G to the outer edge. Repeat with CD to EF.

Step 4

Join ABGH to CDEF: start the seam from the centre, sew to the outer edge, flip the fabric over and start the seam again from the opposite end overlapping the centre stitches. Press seam open.

Step 5

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Rain Shower block

Step 1

Cutting out 

Trace the entire original template onto freezer paper including all number and letter details using the freezer paper template method (see the Heatwave block for details). Pre-cut all the fabric pieces adding your seam allowance around all edges.

Step 2

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create five separate sections, A, B, C, D and E.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete sections A, B, C, D and E using the corresponding fabric pieces.

Step 2

Join A to B matching the seam points with pins and sewing from the A1 and B1 points to the outer edge. Press seam open.

Step 3

Join C to AB, matching the seam points with pins and sewing from the B1/C1 points to the outer edge. Press seam open.

Step 4

Join D to E sewing from the top to the bottom edge. Press seam open.

Step 5

Join ABC above DE. Press seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Stormy Night block

Step 1

Cutting out 

Reuse the traced freezer paper templates from Rainy to make the cloud (Sections A, B and C). Trace the lower D, E and F lightning bolt sections onto freezer paper, including all number and letter details and using the freezer paper template method (see the Heatwave block for details). Precut all the fabric pieces adding your seam allowance around all edges.

Step 2

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create six separate sections, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A, B and C following steps 3-5 of Rain Shower.

Step 2

Complete Sections D, E and F.

Step 3

Join D to E sewing from E1/D3 the top to the side edge. Press the seam open.

Step 4

Join DE to F above DE matching the seam points with pins and sewing from D1/F3 points to the lower edge. Press seam open.

Step 5

Join ABC to DEF. Press seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Snow Day block

Step 1

Cutting out

For this block, reuse the traced freezer paper templates from Rainy to make the cloud section. Trace the lower D, E and F sections that form the snow onto freezer paper, including all number and letter details and using the freezer paper template method (see the Heatwave block for details). Precut all the fabric pieces adding your seam allowance around all edges.

Step 2

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create six separate sections, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A, B and C, following steps 3-5 from Rain Shower.

Step 2

Complete Sections D, E and F.

Step 3

Join D to E sewing from D6/E5 to the side edge. Press seam open.

Step 4

Join DE to F, press  seam open.

Step 5

Join ABC to DEF. Press seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

To make the Early Frost block

Step 1

Cutting out

Use the freezer paper template method as detailed in Heatwave to trace pieces A1 (I5), A5 (I1), A6 (I6), B1 (H10), C2 (G2); the brackets show the other repeat piece of each shape. From the aqua fabric, cut two identical fabric pieces with each freezer paper template adding your seam allowance around all edges.

Step 2

Cut the following:

  • White: cut two (2) strips each measuring 2in x 18in. Using a 60-degree ruler or a freezer paper/plastic template, place the bottom edge of the triangle along the long horizontal edge of the fabric (if using a template, the top tip of the triangle will hang over the fabric) and cut, then rotate the triangle 180-degrees for each new cut. Continue cutting eighteen (18) 2in triangles for pieces A3, B3, B5, B7, B9, C1, D2, D4, E3, F1, F3, H1, H3, H5, H7, H9, I2 and I4.
  • Light blue: from the strip cut twelve (12) 2in triangles for pieces for pieces A2, A4, B4, B8, D1, D3, F2, G1, H2, H4, H6 and H8.
  • Grey: from the strip cut six (6) 2in triangles for pieces B2, B6, B10, E2, F4 and I3
  • Aqua: 3in x 312in rectangle for E1

Step 3

Cut out the original template. Cut along the inner dashed lines to create nine separate sections, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I.

Piecing the block

Step 1

Complete Sections A and I, B and H, C and G, D and F, and E.

Step 2

Join A to B, pressing the seam open. Join H to I, pressing the seam open.

Step 3

Join C to D. Press seam towards D. Join F to G. Press seam open.

Step 4

Join CD to E (on the E1/E2 edge). Press seam open. Join FG to ADE along the E1/E3 edge. Press seam open.

Step 5

Join AB above CDEFG, pressing seam open.  Join HI below ABCDEFG, pressing seam open.

Step 6

Carefully remove template paper. Press and trim block to measure 612in square.

weather themed quilt blocks