Patchwork fox pattern – have fun with Foundation Paper Piecing

Patchwork fox pattern – have fun with Foundation Paper Piecing

Celebrate the new season by making a Foundation Paper Pieced fox complete with sweet felt flower garland, designed by Susi Bellingham

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Published: September 1, 2020 at 4:27 pm

Got scraps? Piece this patchwork fox pattern using just remnants from your fabric stash! We've got everything you need to sew your own woodland friend – read on for the free pattern and step by step instructions with photographs. If you're new to paper piecing, it can be a bit fiddly but it's so rewarding once you've got going – read our guide to foundation paper piecing to learn the ropes before you start to sew. If you're new to patchwork and quilting, you might also like our guide to quilting for beginners and if you're looking for fun paper piecing projects, head over to our free hexagon templates and download a bumper set of hexies sharpish!

How to sew a patchwork fox

Designer Susi Bellingham (aka Tiny Toffee Designs) first created this fox patchwork pattern for Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine. We're excited to feature it here on Gathered.

Download our free fox template

Fox patchwork pattern for Foundation Paper Piecing (PDF)

This pattern includes:

  • Fox FPP Template Sections A, B, C and D
  • Flower and Leaf templates

Finished size

8in diameter circle


  • Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted.
  • Press seams to the side, unless otherwise instructed.
  • FPP = Foundation Paper Piecing.
  • FPP templates include seam allowance around the outer edge only.
  • For FPP, set your stitch length to 1.5.

Fabrics used

Fabrics are from Susi’s stash, and include Moda Bella Solids in Clementine, Cloud9 Fabrics Glimmer Solid in Copper, Kona Cotton Solids and Essex Yarn Dyed Linen by Robert Kaufman and a print from the Santa Fe collection by Sarah Watts for Cotton+Steel.

Foundation Paper Piecing Fox Pattern

You will need:

  • Cotton fabric (Scraps for the fox face)
  • Felt (Scraps of wool felt in various colours for flowers and leaves)
  • Cotton fabric (1 fat quater for the background)
  • Fusible interfacing (10in square)
  • Embroidery hoop (8in)
  • Embroidery Thread (Black and coloured)
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron

Cutting out

Step 1

Using the template as a guide, cut the fabric scraps for each section of the FPP template, making sure the pieces will be at least ¼in larger than the section they will cover, all the way around.

Foundation Paper Piecing

Step 1

Foundation Paper Piece Section A as follows. Place the fabric piece for Section 1A right side up on the unprinted side of the template against the section. Ensure that the fabric covers the whole section, plus at least ¼in all around.  Pin in place.

Step 2

Place the Section 2A fabric piece right side down on top of the Section 1A piece, matching up raw edges on the side where Sections 1 and 2 will be joined and making sure that when folded back along the seam line, Section 2 will be covered by the fabric plus at least ¼in all around. Pin in place.

Step 3

Turn the template over to the printed side and stitch along the marked line between Sections 1 and 2, backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam. Fold the template away from the seam and trim to ¼in. Fold the template back, turn the work to the fabric side, flip Section 2 open and then press.

Step 4

Continue sewing your fabric pieces in this way to piece the remaining sections on the fox FPP template, in numerical order. Trim along the dotted seam allowance line when complete.       

Step 5

Repeat steps 2–5 to piece each of the  FPP template sections B–D.

Step 6

Pin together completed Sections A and B, carefully matching points at the edges and seams. Return your stitch length to its normal length for piecing. Sew the pinned Sections A and B together. Remove the paper from the seam only and press the seam open.

Step 7

Repeat step 7, adding Section C to Section AB, and Section D to Section ABC. Trim around the dotted lines and remove the paper templates from the back, tearing along the seam lines. Press.

Step 8

Iron the fusible interfacing to the back of the FPP panel, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Step 1

Use the black embroidery thread to embroider the eyes, using the photography of the FPP fox as a guide. Susi used four strands.

Step 2

Use the Leaf template to cut approx. eight leaves from green felt. Repeat, using the Flower template to cut approx. twelve flowers from various colours of felt. Fold each flower in half and stitch through the middle (Fig A). 

Patchwork Fox FPP Figure A
Figure A

Fold in half again and stitch to secure (Fig B). Make as many of these as you wish.

Patchwork Fox FPP Figure B
Figure B

Step 3

Embroider a line of running stitch across the head using the coloured embroidery thread, to provide a guideline for where to stitch on the flowers (Fig C). Use the same thread to sew the flowers and leaves in place.

Patchwork Fox FPP Figure C
Figure C


Step 1

Put the fox block on top of the inner embroidery hoop, making sure it’s centred. Secure inside the hoop and trim the excess fabric to finish.

Foundation Paper Piecing Patchwork Fox