Free modern quilt block pattern

Free modern quilt block pattern

Let's start the week with a treat! Read on to find out how to sew the last in our four-part series of bonus blocks for our Modern Quilt Blocks sewalong.

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Published: November 13, 2017 at 9:25 pm

We've got together with the lovely folk over at Art Gallery Fabrics to bring you our 32 Modern Quilt Blocks book with issue 50. Scroll down to find the fourth block in our series of bonus block designs. We've been posting a bonus block each week here on the blog – while issue 50 is in the shops!

How to sew bonus block 4 {Modern Quilt Blocks series}

You will need:

Cutting out

  • Fabric A: Two (2) 31⁄2in squares and two (2) 1in x 81⁄2in.
  • Fabric B: Two (2) 2in x 81⁄2in and two (2) 11⁄2in x 81⁄2in.
  • Fabric C: Two (2) 1in x 81⁄2in and two (2) 11⁄2in x 81⁄2in.
Free quilt block pattern diagram

How to construct your quilt block

Step one: Sew one set of 81⁄2in long strips together along the long edges, in the following order.

Step two: With the Fabric B 2in x 81⁄2in strip, join the Fabric C 11⁄2in x 81⁄2in strip to the top. Then add the Fabric A 1in x 81⁄2in, Fabric C 1in x 81⁄2n, and Fabric B11⁄2in x 81⁄2in.

Step three: Draw a diagonal on the reverse of one Fabric A 31⁄2in square, from the bottom left to top right. Trim 1⁄4in away from the line. Discard the small triangle.

Step four: Place the trimmed Fabric A piece RST at the right hand side of your pieced strips, and sew on the diagonal line. Open out and press. Trim the pieced unit to 31⁄2in x 61⁄2in

Free modern quilt block pattern

Step five: Repeat the entire process with the remaining pieces, this time drawing the diagonal from bottom right to top left, and placing on the left side of the pieced strips.

Step six: Sew the two pieced units together, referring our diagram for placement.

32 Modern Quilt Blocks
Sew the full collection of 32 Modern Quilt Blocks with issue 50 of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine.