Easy patchwork quilt pattern for beginners

Easy patchwork quilt pattern for beginners

Go back to basics with simple squares, sewn together into a pretty gingham quilt, designed by Stephanie Kendron. It makes a super sweet baby quilt to give nurseries a homespun touch! 

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Published: October 11, 2018 at 3:19 pm

Thanks to Daniela Di Iorio from the Modern Stitch Studio for writing the pattern text for this project. Scroll down for all the step by step instructions and cutting guide you'll need to make this quilt.

You will need

  • Fabric A (blue solid): 1¼yds
  • Fabric B (small check print): ¾yd
  • Fabric C (large check print): 5⁄8yd
  • Backing fabric: 3¼yds
  • Batting: 50in x 68in
  • Binding fabric: 1⁄2yd


Finished size

42in x 60in


  • Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted.
  • WOF = width of fabric.
  • WST = wrong sides together.

We've used:

Fabrics are from the Tinted Denim, Checks Please and Window Dressing collections by Cloud9 Fabrics.

Checked quilt pattern for beginners

Step 1

From Fabric A cut six (6) 612in x WOF strips. Subcut into thirty-five (35) 612in squares.

Step 2

From Fabric B cut four (4) 612in x WOF strips. Subcut into twenty (20) 612in squares.

Step 3

From Fabric C cut three (3) 612in x WOF strips. Subcut into fifteen (15) 612in squares.

Step 4

From the binding fabric cut six (6) 2½in x WOF strips.

Step 5

Take three Fabric A squares and four Fabric B squares. Arrange them as shown, alternating between fabrics. Join and press seams towards the Fabric B squares to complete one AB row. Repeat to make a total of five AB rows.

Easy quilt pattern step 5

Fig 1

Step 6

Take four Fabric A squares and three Fabric C squares. Arrange them as shown, alternating between fabrics. Join and press the seams toward the Fabric C squares to complete one AC row. Repeat to make a total of five AC rows.

Easy quilt pattern step 6

Fig 2


Step 7

Take the AB and AC rows and arrange them as shown, alternating between them. Join the rows, nesting seams to match up the block points, to complete the quilt top. Press the seams to alternate sides across each row.

Step 8

Cut the backing fabric in half across the width. Remove the selvedges and re-join the pieces with a 12in seam. Press the seam open.

Step 9

Press the quilt top and backing well. Make a quilt sandwich by placing the backing fabric right side down, the batting on top, then the quilt top centrally and right side up. Baste the layers together using your preferred method.

Step 10

Quilt as desired. Stephanie quilted wavy lines across the width of the quilt in blue thread.

Squares quilt pattern for beginners

Step 11

Trim off the excess batting and backing fabric and square up the quilt.

Step 12

Join the binding strips together end-to-end using diagonal seams. Press the seams open and trim away the dog ears, then fold in half lengthwise, WST, and press.

Patchwork quilt binding

Step 13

Sew the binding to the front of the quilt, folding a mitre at each corner, then fold it over to the back of the quilt and hand stitch in place to finish.


Not feeling blue? Try swapping these fabrics for pretty pink prints or colour pop solids!