Easy patchwork cushion cover pattern

Easy patchwork cushion cover pattern

Brighten up your sofa with Nicole Calver's quick-sew cushion project! Read on for our step-by-step guide with extra jungle vibes.

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Published: October 29, 2018 at 7:27 pm

We're excited to feature this vibrant patchwork cushion project from one of our favourite quilt designers, Nicole Calver, to help you continue the tropical theme throughout your home. Read on to find out how to sew a patchwork cushion using jungle prints (our cushion features Leah Duncan's Wild collection for Cloud9 Fabrics) or why not sew your stash and use it to show off your favourite scrap fabrics?

See more of Nicole Calver's work at snipssnippets.ca and on Instagram @snipssnippets

How to make an easy patchwork cushion

You will need...

  • Twelve (12) assorted scraps (at least 3in square)
  • Eight (8) assorted scraps (at least 5½in square)
  • Border fabric: one (1) fat quarter
  • Backing fabric: one (1) 15½in x 20½in piece
  • Lining fabric: 19in x 24in
  • Batting: 19in x 24in
  • 18in zipper
  • Cushion pad

Finished size

15in x 20in


  • Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted.
  • RST = right sides together.

Fabrics used

Cutting out

Step 1

From the smaller assorted scraps cut:

  • Twelve (12) 3in squares.

Step 2

From the larger scraps cut:

  • Two (2) 5½in squares.
  • Six (6) 3in x 5½in rectangles.

Step 3

From the border fabric cut:

  • Two (2) 3in x 20½in strips.

Piecing the cushion

Step 1

Using 3in squares make two four-patch blocks, by sewing the squares in pairs, then sewing the pairs together.

Step 2

Sew the remaining 3in squares into two pairs. Sew one 3in x 5½in rectangle to each pair, sewing along the long edge, to make two 5½in square blocks.

Step 3

Sew the remaining four rectangles into two pairs down the long edges to make two 5½in square blocks.

Assembling the cushion

Step 1

Sew the blocks and remaining 5½in squares together in two rows of four. Refer to our photograph at the top of this post for placement. Press the seams in opposite directions row by row.

Step 2

Sew the rows together, nesting the seams together. Press the row seams open. Sew the two border pieces to the top and bottom and press away from blocks.

Quilting and finishing

Step 1

Make a quilt sandwich with the cushion top, batting and lining and quilt as desired. Trim away excess batting and backing and square up.

Step 2

With RST sew one side of the zipper to the bottom edge of the cushion cover. Make sure the zipper is centered. Then again with RST, sew the other side of the zipper to the backing fabric. Make sure that the zipper is lined up evenly on both the front and back pieces of the cushion.

Step 3

Open the zipper up at least halfway. With RST and starting at one end of the zipper, sew around all sides of the cushion, finishing at the opposite end of the zipper to close the cushion cover. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end. Clip your corners and turn right side out to finish.
