Try curved sewing with our step by step guide to making Drunkard's Path quilt blocks, and sewing them together to make a modern patchwork cushion cover. Download our free template and follow our beginner-friendly tutorial to trying your first curved patchwork project.
Raid your stash for a mix of prints in each colourway, as we have!
Finished Size
Your finished cushion cover will measure 18in square
All seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted.
Press seams to the side, unless otherwise instructed.
Templates include seam allowances, where necessary.
Wash and press all fabrics before cutting.
How to make a modern curved patchwork cushion
Here's the full layout diagram for your finished cushion:
Layout diagram: Rainbow Ripple cushion
You will need:
Fabric (See notes, above) (For the outer, lining and backing)
Batting (20 in square)
Buttons (2)
Sewing machine
Basic sewing kit
Cutting out
Step 1
From fabric A cut:
Five (5) Drunkard’s Path Template A,
Four (4) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 2
From fabric B cut:
Five (5) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Six (6) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 3
From fabric C cut:
Seven (7) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Six (6) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 4
From fabric D cut:
Seven (7) Drunkard’s Path Template A,
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 5
From fabric E cut:
Seven (7) Drunkard’s Path Template A,
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 6
From fabric F cut:
Seven (7) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Six (6) Drunkard’s Path Template B
Step 7
From fabric G cut:
Five (5) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Six (6) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 8
From fabric H cut:
Five (5) Drunkard’s Path Template A,
Four (4) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 9
From fabric I cut:
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Step 10
From fabric J cut:
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template A
Eight (8) Drunkard’s Path Template B.
Piece the blocks
Step 1
Pair the fabrics as follows (see Fig 1, below).
Six (6) fabric I Template A and fabric I Template B.
Six (6) fabric J Template A and fabric J Template B.
Two (2) fabric I Template A and fabric A Template B.
Two (2) fabric A Template A and fabric I Template B.
Three (3) fabric A Template A and fabric B Template B.
Two (2) fabric B Template A and fabric A Template B.
Three (3) fabric B Template A and fabric C Template B.
Three (3) fabric C Template A and fabric B template B.
Four (4) fabric C Template A and fabric D template B.
Three (3) fabric D Template A and fabric C Template B.
Four (4) fabric D Template A and fabric E Template B.
Four (4) fabric E Template A and Fabric D Template B.
Three (3) fabric E Template A and Fabric F Template B
Four (4) fabric F template A and fabric E template B.
Three (3) fabric F template A and fabric G template B.
Three (3) fabric G template A and fabric F template B.
Two (2) fabric G template A and fabric H template B.
Three (3) fabric H template A and fabric G template B.
Two (2) fabric H template A and fabric J template B.
Two (2) fabric J template A and fabric H template B.
Figure 1
Step 2
Fold a pair of Template A and B pieces in half to mark the centres (Fig 2).
Figure 2
Step 3
Place the fabrics right sides together with the Template A piece on top, and pin along the curve matching the centre creases.
Step 4
Line up the edge of your ¼in foot with the edge of the curve being very careful not to stretch the fabric or your curve will be distorted. Slowly sew around the curve removing pins as you go (Fig 3).
Figure 3
Step 5
Stop sewing about 1½in away from the end of the curve and secure with a few backstitches.
Step 6
Flip the block over. Line up the edge of your ¼in foot at the top of the block and sew the last 1½in from the opposite direction. Backstitch to secure the two lines of stitching at the join.
Step 7
Repeat steps 12-16 until all your blocks are sewn. Trim the finished blocks to 2¾in square.
Assemble the cushion top
Step 1
Press the seams of blocks towards the darker fabric in each pair. Then arrange into eight rows, each containing eight blocks, using the layout diagram for reference.
Step 2
The cushion top will be pieced as four quarters – each containing four rows of four blocks. Piece the rows first, pressing seams in alternate directions as you go (Fig 4). Repeat until all four quarters are pieced.
Figure 4
Step 3
Assemble the quarters into two blocks of two, then sew the two units together (Fig 5).
Figure 5
Quilting and finishing
Step 1
Make a quilt sandwich from the lining fabric, batting and pieced cushion top. Baste and quilt as desired – we followed the waves of colour along the cushion front.
Step 2
Hem one 18½in edge of each cushion back piece, pressing ½in and then 3½in under and stitching in place. Add two (2) button holes to the larger backing piece, evenly spaced and about an inch below the hemmed edge.
Step 3
With the cushion top right side up, place your backing piece with button holes on top, right sides together and aligning raw edges. Place the second backing piece, overlapping hems in the centre. Pin in place.
Step 4
To finish, stitch all the way around the edge of your cushion, ¼in from the edge. Clip your corners, turn right side out and press lightly on both sides. Then simply sew your buttons in place, pop in your cushion pad and you’re done!
Mother, wife and quilter Julianna Gasiorowska is obsessed with paper piecing and blogs about her latest projects over at Sewing Under Rainbow – – where you can find find lots of free tutorials and beautiful foundation paper piecing ideas. Her desings have been regularly featured in Love Patchwork & Quilting, as well as Mollie Makes, Fat Quarterly and Modern Quilting magazines. Her designs have also been featured in the book ‘Playful Little Paper-Pieced Projects: 37 Graphic Designs & Tips from Top Modern Quilters’.
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