4 Modern Quilt Block Patterns to try

4 Modern Quilt Block Patterns to try

We joined forces with the lovely folks at Moda to create a set of quilt blocks to inspire you to whip up striking, modern quilts!

Try 6 issues of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine for just £14

Published: August 1, 2019 at 7:32 pm

Have you caught issue 77 of Love Patchwork & Quilting yet?! Not only is it brimming with summery projects to help you sew your stash, but it comes complete with 40 fresh quilt blocks to add to your arsenal. We joined forces with the lovely folks at Moda to create the only resource you'll need to whip up striking, modern quilts, with four fun categories to pick and choose from. Browse crosses, squares, triangles and our good old friend 'miscellaneous' before whipping up a big batch of 8in (finished) blocks!

Take a sneak peek with our quilt block gallery previews

Sew easy crosses

Pair squares and strips to create some clean, graphic designs...

Show off favourite scraps with new combinations

You'll be surprised at the patterns you can make with a few simple shapes!

Play with triangles

For when squares don’t quite cut it, add some angles to your patchwork!

Sew the right direction!

Have a bit of fun with this varied collection of novelty blocks

Thanks to Moda for providing fabrics and block designs, and a shout out to Sally Stevens for piecing the blocks!

Issue 77 is on sale now – buy your copy here to get our full book of 40 Modern Quilt Blocks.