Free Half-square Triangle cushion pattern

Free Half-square Triangle cushion pattern

Sew a quick and easy patchwork cushion with Lynett Muhaso's HST tutorial

Try 6 issues of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine for just £14

Published: March 18, 2024 at 11:22 am

We love a quick and easy win when it comes to patchwork projects, and there’s nothing better than a Half-square Triangle patchwork cushion! 

Learn the easy technique to piece 2-in-1 Half-square Triangles (HST), and combine them with simple squares and strips to make a beginner-friendly design. 

It’s so easy to incorporate with scraps from your stash – keep things consistent with an all-solid cushion like Lynett’s here, or add some fun prints for a riot of pattern and colour. 

To help you get started on your quilting journey we’ve pulled together a simple Half-square Triangle tutorial for you to put into action to make your own patchwork cushion. 

How to sew a Half-square Triangle

To sew a Half-square Triangle, place a Fabric A and B square RST. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of one square, then sew ¼in from either side of the line. Cut along the line and press the two HST units open.

Find Lynett Muhaso's full throw-size quilt pattern that coordinates with this cushion project in issue 135 of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine!
Bag yourself a digital edition through Readly, Zinio, Pocketmags or the Love Patchwork & Quilting app.


  • Seam allowances are ¼in, unless otherwise noted. 
  • Press seams open, unless otherwise instructed. 
  • RST = right sides together.
  • HST = Half-square Triangle.
  • WOF = width of fabric.
  • WOF is assumed to be 42in.
  • Finished size is 20in square.

You will need:

  • Fabric A (3/4yd)
  • Fabric B (3in x 8in)
  • Fabric C (4in square)
  • Fabric D (one (1) fat sixteenth)
  • Fabric E (4in square)
  • Fabric F (one (1) fat eighth)
  • Light blue fabric G (one (1) fat eighth)
  • Green fabric H (4in square)
  • Binding fabric (1/4yd)
  • Batting (24in square)
  • Lining fabric (24in square)

Cutting out

Step 1

From Fabric A cut:

  • Two (2) 14in x 20½in (backing).
  • Two (2) 4in squares.
  • One (1) 3in square.
  • One (1) 3in x 13in.
  • One (1) 3in x 15½in.
  • Two (2) 5½in squares.
  • Two (2) 5½in x 8in.
  • One (1) 5½in x 10½in.

Step 2

From Fabric B cut:

  • One (1) 3in x 8in.

Step 3

From each of Fabrics C, E and H cut:

  • One (1) 4in square.

Step 4

From Fabric D cut:

  • One (1) 4in square.
  • One (1) 3in x 8in.

Step 5

From Fabric F cut:

  • One (1) 3in square.
  • One (1) 3in x 5½in.
  • One (1) 3in x 8in.

Step 6

From Fabric G cut:

  • One (1) 3in x 13in.

Step 7

From the binding fabric cut:

  • Three (3) 2½in x WOF.

Making the Half-square Triangle units

Step 1

Follow the 'How to make a Half-square Triangle' instructions above, pairing 4in squares and trimming the HSTs to 3in square. Make two HSTs each of Fabric A/E, Fabric A/H and Fabric C/D.

Piecing the cushion top

Step 1

Sew a Fabric A/H and Fabric A/E HST to each end of a Fabric F 3in x 5½in strip. Sew a Fabric F and Fabric D 3in x 8in strip to the top and bottom of a Fabric A 5½in x 8in piece. Sew these two units together, then sew a Fabric A 5½in x 10½in piece to the top (Fig 1).

Step 2

Sew  a Fabric B 3in x 8in strip, two Fabric C/D HSTs, one Fabric A/E HST into one column. Sew this to the side of the unit from the last step (Fig 2).

Step 3

Sew a Fabric A/B HST to the bottom of a Fabric A 3in square. Sew a Fabric A 5½in square to either side. Sew this unit to the bottom of the previous unit (Fig 3).

Step 4

Sew a Fabric A 3in x 13in strip to the bottom of a Fabric F 3in square. Sew a Fabric G 3in x 13in strip to the bottom of a Fabric A/H HST. Sew these two units together, then sew a Fabric A 3in x 15½in strip to the side. Sew a Fabric a 5½in x 8in piece to the top. Sew the unit to the side of the previous unit to complete the cushion top (Fig 4).

Finishing the cushion

Step 1

Make a quilt sandwich with your lining fabric, batting and cushion top. Baste and quilt as desired. Trim to 20½in square, trimming away excess batting and lining fabric.

Step 2

Take one backing piece and press under ½in along one long edge. Press under ½in again to enclose the raw edge. Topstitch in place. Repeat with the other backing piece.

Step 3

With the cushion top right side down, layer both backing pieces on top, both right sides up. Align the raw edges around the outside of the cushion with the hemmed edges overlapping in the centre. Pin, then baste around the outer edge.

Step 4

Sew the binding strips together in one long length. Press in half lengthwise, WST. Use to bind the outer edge of the cushion, as you would a quilt, to finish.

Free Half-square Triangle pattern

You can make this patchwork cushion pattern completely your own through your fabric and colour choices!

It’s a quick and easy design that’s a great way to get your head around simple patchwork, if you’re a beginner. Patchwork pros are sure to enjoy this quick finish too!

Fun triangle quilt designs to make

If you’re keen to get sewing with even more modern triangle patterns, try your hand at Gathered’s free Half Rectangle Triangles quilt pattern