Step 1
To make a daisy, use the petal template to cut a scalloped edge from a folded section of white crepe paper. Cut slits down to 5mm from the bottom edge. Wrap a 100mm square of yellow crepe paper around a scrunched ball of crepe paper and twist the end. Wrap thread under ball shape.

Step 2
Apply a small amount of glue to the end of the petal strip and wrap it around the yellow flower centre, adding dots of glue to secure in place as you wrap. Keep a clean, damp cloth nearby so your fingers remain glue-free. Cover the base and stem of the flower with green crepe paper.

Step 3
To make a blue flower, trace the small flower template twice onto a piece of blue card and cut out. Cut a small circle from a piece of yellow card for the flower centre. When cutting out templates make sure your scissors are nice and sharp so that you achieve an even shape.

Step 4
Using a pair of needle-nosed tweezers, pinch and twist along the edges of each of the petals around both of the blue flowers to create little pleats. Attach the two blue flowers together as shown, and add the yellow centre to finish.

Step 5
To make a pink flower, trace the medium and small flower templates onto dark pink card and cut out. Pierce a hole in the centre of each flower. Press into the centre of each petal with a large embossing tool to create a cupped shape.

Step 6
Cut slits in the top edge of a folded section of yellow crepe paper to create a fringe. Roll, glue and push into the centre of the small flower. Attach to the medium flower. To make a bigger version, use the larger flower template as the outer layer.

Step 7
To make leaves, trace the large and small leaf templates onto green card and cut out. Use a scoring tool and ruler to score a line down the centre of each leaf. Fold each leaf gently along the scored line.

Step 8
Attach flowers and leaves onto green twine. For flowers with stems, tie onto twine and add green crepe paper to neaten the backs. For blue flowers, use a rectangle of blue card. For leaves, fold ends over twine.