This delicate folded paper dress – from Papercraft Inspirations 129 – is perfect for fashionistas or budding designers. Use the template to create folded paper dresses to use on your cardmaking, in your scrapbooking or even to decorate a wedding table plan.
Choose patterned papers for a vintage feel, or keep it classic with white or cream coloured card. You could add doily or lace details to the dress to take it to the next level.
We love seeing what you make with our free templates, so don’t forget to share your cards and papercraft projects with us on Facebook and Twitter, too!
Download your free folded paper dress cardmaking template:
To download each template sheet, click on the link below the image and it will open in a new window. You can then save/download the sheet. There are a total of three templates sheets to download to complete this papercraft project.

Folded paper dress cardmaking template 01

Folded paper dress cardmaking template 02