Everybody loves the festive season’s most famous character, Santa Claus. Bold and bright in his famous red coat, laden with beautifully wrapped gifts, he’s our adorable festive friend.
Our selection of gorgeous jolly Santa free printables by Jenny Ellory delivers a host of Santa ideas direct to your card making stash, giving you the chance to stretch your papercrafting skills and make a whole bundle of Santa-filled creations for friends and family, too.
Why not start your Santa extravaganza with these four gloriously fun ideas? Packed with quirky touches, like pegs, doilies, pocket pouches and more, they’re certain to bring out your inner festive spirit! You could create a fun-filled Santa make with our fantastic creative spinner card project, here!
Download your buildable jolly Santa Claus printables:
To download each printable sheet, click on the link below the image and it will open in a new window. You can then save/download the sheet. There are eight printable sheets to download to complete the collection.

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 1

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 2

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 3

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 4

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 5

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 6

Free jolly buildable Santa Claus printables 7