Intuition is a sense of clarity from deep within, it is direction and purpose. Emotionally powered and tapped into every day as we navigate life, there is a confidence in following it, the self-belief to follow a path based purely on a feeling.
It can be how discoveries are made, new adventures begin, chances are taken and even lives saved. An inner voice, a pure connection, an honest and often swift response.
It is immersed in our background, circumstances, relationships and skills, but also something extra. The exciting element of intuition is that part of it feels special and quite separate from our rational minds, adding a magical element to our human existence.
The science part
Dr Emma Svanberg (@mumologist) is a perinatal clinical psychologist from London. She says that intuition is our “felt sense” about something, “a hunch based on feelings and experiences, which feels unconscious”. This differs from instinct, she explains, “which is more about our automatic survival processes.”
Our learned experiences of similar situations and the use of our long-term memory to locate an experience among others in our past, forms our intuition, explains Dr Svanberg.
But, she says, the present also impacts us. “Intuition can also be down to information we are taking in at that moment, which isn’t in our conscious mind. Our brain is constantly integrating information from our present and associating it with our memory and knowledge and often this isn’t done consciously, it’s called predictive processing framework.”
How much we follow our intuition depends on the emphasis that we put on logic versus emotion, says Dr Svanberg. However, just because we may be in tune with our emotions, doesn’t mean we will always take the intuitive route.
If we are feeling anxious or stressed for example, our intuition can feel clouded and we may dawdle on a decision, make a bad one or decide to take the more logical path.
Similarly, our logical response may not be the right one for us. We are told from a young age to think, use our head, follow reason and rationality, but a well-analysed decision doesn’t always mean satisfaction.

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What feels right
Following a passionate and nonsensical path can make for a more fulfilled life depending on your personal outlook and goals.

Think of career changes, houses that look like they might crumble into dust, but full of an indescribable feeling or energy. The important thing is that we have to believe that the path we take is the right one for us.
The more intuition is used, the more we may tend to follow it, building up a casebook in our minds for its benefits. Dr Rachel Andre is a clinical psychologist based in East Lancashire.
She says: “Those who follow their intuition will have frequently linked their instinct with a set of favourable outcomes, or supporting information. This evidence often then forms and maintains a belief about their instinct and how much it can be trusted.”
Those who follow their intuition may see ‘signs’, work extra hard at their goals and trust in themselves and their vision of the future.
It can be precarious and more of a risk, but a big bonus of this path is that there is also a flexibility and acceptance, too. There is peace with what can’t be controlled, learning curves are appreciated and failures are embraced when following a passion and a truth.
It is more emotionally invested, but also more open-minded, with a less rigid path. When we can’t predict the future and we are being bombarded with information constantly, there’s something about following intuition that feels courageous.
"I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am."
Albert Einstein
Natural reactions
In terms of survival, it is vital that we have our automatic systems, keeping us safe from danger. It is a raw response, as Dr Andre explains: “Intuition in potentially dangerous or risky situations is vital. We are actually using all our knowledge and senses to filter information, and this often produces a physiological response that we may not completely understand or be able to rationalise until later. Intuition can be very useful.”

It’s imperative to listen to our instinct, something parents are told to do constantly. An overwhelm of knowledge and information as a new parent can lead to getting rid of parenting advice books and really homing in on that instinct, confident in the knowledge you know best what your baby needs and responding to this. The connection is essential; the power of love, protection and vulnerability, and pure emotion.
Bella Luna is a spiritual life coach, chakra dancing and mindful meditation therapist, soul plan practitioner, tarot reader, healer and workshop facilitator from Stroud in Gloucestershire. She believes intuition is an, “imperative skill one should utilise as a resident of this great planet, but sadly one we have forgotten in recent society”.
She says that, “our bodies and souls are incredibly intelligent parts of our being, [but] by only listening to our minds, we stop responding to our environment”.
To use our intuition Bella believes we shouldn’t shy away from our feelings, or blanket our responses. “Releasing emotion is imperative to human health and happiness.”
Through her chakra dancing, guided meditations, visualisation journeys and spiritual life coaching, Bella says she helps people to reconnect with their intuition by reconnecting them with their bodies.
“I work with people to peel back the layers of their unconscious conditioning to reveal what they intuitively feel about their dreams, hopes, ambitions and purpose here on earth,” says Bella. “We forget that our bodies and souls hold a plethora of wisdom.”
Brain power
After quiet meditation you may indeed feel that you have those clear answers you need. Some time out enables what spiritual guides refer to as your third eye, to see clearly. It could be being more mindful helps our responses to be more intuitive, but also more considered at the same time.
Perhaps we should combine our emotion and reason. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy aims to do this, focusing on bringing both together to create the ‘wise mind’.

Dr Andre says, “As well as tuning in to our intuition, I think if we can also take a step back and use our logic at the same time, we have a really powerful way of responding to situations.”
Dr Svanberg agrees, “We wouldn’t have survived long if we had to reason our way through dangerous situations. We can often look down on intuition, living as we do in a society which favours analytic, rational thought over more emotion or unconscious processes, but they work in harmony.”
Six ways to practice intuition
A clouded and stressed mind is not conducive to intuitive thinking. We need to take care of ourselves and believe and tune in to our wisdom as well as our hearts. Start with self-care, eat well, exercise and spend time with friends and family.
Create space
Make time for meditation, yoga and relaxation. Allow the noise to be loud, then quieten down until you are left with yourself and your calm and peaceful mind. This will then help your intuitive voice to be clear and true.
Be honest
Be honest with yourself, ask yourself how you feel about something and note down your response. If it feels a bit confused try journalling, sometimes this can bring out your true feelings. Train yourself to trust and use your intuition.
Thinking back on your past there may be parts you would have reacted to differently now, but that’s all part of learning. We need experiences to grow, so stay open minded, and make the best future choices you can.
Be creative
Creativity is liberating and it allows us to express emotion and feeling. By being creative you allow your intuition to naturally flow, so dance, paint and be free.
You need to believe in your intuition, dreams and ideas. Move through life intuitively and make the best of life you possibly can.
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If you've enjoyed reading about the importance of your intuition and are keen to learn more about yourself, check out our article on the surprising reason why getting in touch with your dark side can be positive.
We have also included a quiz to help you determine whether your stress and anger is constructive or destructive. Find the article here.