Working ladder stitch
Step 1
Work from top to bottom on two parallel lines. Come up on the left side and go down on the right, coming up just to the left of the right line. Go back down on the right line, just below the first stitch, and come up on the left line, just below the first stitch.

Step 2
On the left side, slide your needle under the horizontal stitch, keeping the needle above the working thread. This and the previous step set up the stitch and you only need to do this at the beginning of your stitching.

Step 3
On the right side (RS), slide your needle under the X. Pull the thread so it is almost taut.

Step 4
Go back down on the right line just below the first stitch, and come up on the left line just below the first stitch.

Step 5
On the left side, slide your needle between the lowest horizontal stitch and the one above it, then under the small angled stitch. Repeat steps three to five as you work along the line. End by going down after the last repeat at step three.

Making the passport case
Step 1

Embroider the sketchy waves just to the right of centre on the linen fabric. Stitch the wide lines with ladder stitch in two colours, following the waves.
Step 2
Stitch the two thin lines with running stitch. Use three strands of stranded cotton throughout your stitching.
Step 3
From the quilting cotton cut out your case lining: 14.5 x 20.5cm.
Step 4
From the contrasting quilting cotton cut: Inner pockets: two 14.5 x 7cm (53⁄4 x 23⁄4in).
Step 5
Sew a 7mm (¼in) double-fold hem on one long edge of both inner pocket pieces.
Step 6
Lay the two small pieces on the large quilting cotton rectangle with RS up and the hemmed edges toward the centre. Trim the embroidered linen piece to 14.5 x 20.5cm (53⁄4 x 81⁄8in) then place this on top RS down.
Step 7
Pin and sew around the sides with a 7mm (¼in) seam allowance, leaving an opening for turning on the bottom edge near the middle. Trim the corners to reduce bulk. Turn the case RS out. Press seams open. Sew the opening closed.