Snowflake tag Christmas embroidery patterns
If you are looking for more Christmas embroidery patterns to style up your festive home, how about Mollie Johanson’s brilliant Fly Stitch snowflake tags. This project was originally published in Simply Sewing magazine issue 61.

You will need
For each Christmas embroidery snowflake tag:
- Linen fabric: 12x12cm (5x5in)
- Quilting cotton: 7.5×5.5cm (3×2¼in)
- Embroidery hoop
- White Perle cotton thread
- Thin cotton wadding
- Eyelet and attachment tool
- Ribbon: 20cm (8in)
- Matching thread
- Basic sewing kit
- Simply Sewing issue 61 templates
How to make the snowflake tag Christmas embroidery patterns
Step 1
From the cotton fabric cut:
- Tag outer upper: cut one 7.5×5.5cm (3×2¼in).
- Tag backing: cut one using the template.
From the thin cotton wadding cut:
Tag wadding: cut one using the template.
You are going to embroider a snowflake design on the linen with white Perle cotton embroidery thread following the patterns on the Simply Sewing issue 61 templates
Step 2

Fly stitch makes a Y-shaped stitch, which can look different depending on the proportions. To begin, come up through the fabric on one side of the top of the Y. Go back down on the other side of the Y, leaving a loop of thread on the surface. Come up at the centre point of the Y, catching the loop of thread with your needle.
Step 3

Pull the thread taut so the loop forms a V or U shape. Go down below where the needle came up, forming the vertical line of the Y. Use fly stitch and French knots for the snowflakes (one pattern also uses straight stitch at the centre).
Step 4

Cut the embroidered linen down to a 7.5×7.5cm (3x3in) square.
Step 5

With right sides (RS) together, sew the cotton tag outer upper to the top of the embroidered linen piece and press the seam open. Use the template to cut the tag shape from the pieced fabric. Layer the tag pieces with RS together and the wadding behind. Pin and sew around the sides, leaving a 4cm (15⁄8in) gap for turning. Use a 7mm seam allowance.
Step 6

Trim the corners to reduce bulk, then turn the tag RS out. Press the seams open and then press under the seam allowance along the turning gap. Sew the opening closed. Stitch around the linen section with running stitch and white Perle cotton.
Step 7

Install a metal eyelet in the top section of the tag, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Add a ribbon through the eyelet to attach your tag to a gift or hang it as a decoration.

[pullquote quote="Learn fly stitch and embroider Mollie Johanson’s snowflake tags – each one will be unique, just like the real thing!" /]
Wrapped back stitch stitch hoop Christmas embroidery pattern

When the weather outside is frightful, stay in and embroider Mollie Johanson’s snowy sampler in wrapped back stitch
You will need
- Stranded cotton in white, brown and pink
- 15cm (6in) embroidery hoop
- Embroidery needle
- 20cm (8in) ribbon, for hanging
- Bondaweb
- Water-soluble sticky-backed interfacing or tracing paper
- Linen: 25x25cm (10x10in)
- Simply Sewing issue 49 templates
Step 1
Trace the tree and ribbon templates onto Bondaweb and iron them onto the back of some fabric pieces. Cut out the shapes and peel off the paper backing. Arrange the shapes on the square of linen. They should line up with the embroidery template as close as possible. Iron the shapes to the fabric.

Step 2

Print or trace the embroidery pattern onto water-soluble sticky-backed interfacing or tracing paper. Attach the pattern to the fabric so it lines up with the fused fabric. You may need to cut the pattern apart to line it up properly.
To add the wrapped back stitch for the trees, begin with a line of regular back stitch. Working in a second colour, come up from the back at the end of the first stitch. The new thread should come from behind the stitch without coming through the back stitch. Pass the thread over the back stitch and then slide the needle under the stitch.
Step 3

Pass the thread over the line of stitching and slide the needle under the next stitch. Repeat along the entire line of stitching. Wrap the stitches in either direction, but be consistent.
Step 4

When you reach the end of the line and complete the last wrap, go back down through the fabric with the end of the working thread under the last back stitch.
Step 5

Working with three strands of stranded cotton, embroider the snowflakes with white, the trees with brown, and the ribbon with bright pink stranded cotton. Use straight stitch to embroider the snowflakes and use back stitch for all of the other shapes. Add the wrapping to the tree branches using three strands of white stranded cotton.
Step 6

Soak or tear away the interfacing or tracing paper. Place the finished embroidery in an embroidery hoop. Trim the excess fabric, leaving approx 2.5cm (1in) around the edge. Use a needle and thread to stitch around the edge of the fabric and gather it at the back. Secure the thread end. Tie a loop of ribbon through the screw at the top of the hoop for hanging, then tie a bow around the hardware
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