When the project you’ve been tirelessly working on picks up a food stain or a dirty hand mark, you can’t help but get a sinking feeling that all your hard work will go to waste. Yet thankfully, there are products on the market that can help you clean cross stitch. We'll show you step by step how to wash cross stitch!
It’s always a good idea to wash your stitching before you frame it, for even if it looks clean, it will have inevitably picked up some dirt along the way. We’ve recommend hand-washing your stitching if it is just generally grubby, or using pre-wash stain removers drips or spots that are ideal for removing specific stains. A pre-wash should always be followed by a delicate hand-wash.
We have a recipe for making your own delicate hand wash. It's created for wool, but it is perfect for cross stitch too. Find the guide for how to make no-rinse wool wash
If you find washing your work a bit daunting, then our helpful guide explaing how to wash cross stitch is an absolute must-read. After all, your stitching deserves the best possible finish, so that it looks its very best.