Free plant poke cross stitch pattern

Free plant poke cross stitch pattern

Stitch the pretty motif to make a plant poke as a unique gift for green-fingered friends and family

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Published: February 26, 2020 at 9:19 pm

Show your love for the outdoors with a pretty plant poke. Stitch this sweet cross stitched motif and add it as a gift to a pretty plant pot for loved ones who love the great outdoors!

How to make a cross stitch plant poke

  1. Stitch this free plant poke cross stitch chart on to 14 count aida or 28 count even weave
  2. Apply iron-on interfacing to the reverse.
  3. Trim to the shape
  4. Add kraft paper and tape to a lollipop stick.

About this pattern

  • Stitch count: 25 high x 27 wide
  • Design area: 14 count aida (28-count evenweave) – 4.5x5cm (1¾x2in)

Free plant poke cross stitch pattern (PDF)

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