Stitch pretty beaded Christmas tree cross stitch cards
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Stitch pretty beaded Christmas tree cross stitch cards

Embellish your festive stitching with bright beads to make these Christmas tree cross stitch cards shine!

Try 6 issues of The World of Cross Stitching magazine for £14!

Published: October 28, 2024 at 9:00 am

Stitch pretty beaded Christmas tree cross stitch cards

Impress friends and family with your greeting cards with this trio of delicate Christmas tree cross stitch designs by Fiona Baker. Created with intricate winding branches and adorned with shining beads. These are as much a delight to stitch as they are to receive.

This project uses DMC’s Étoile thread, which has a delicate shimmer that will leave your stitches sparkling. Each card is finished with a variety of beads, from dainty seed beads that add a touch of texture to longer bugle beads which represent candles on the tree.

Under each tree, there is a variety of gifts and slumbering pets including a sleepy dog and cat. The beauty of these designs is that you can mix and match what’s under each tree to suit your liking, making them truly unique!

This trio of Christmas tree cross stitch patterns were designed by Fiona Baker and originally published in The World of Cross Stitching issue 286. If you want the full set of 6 you can purchase a digital edition of the magazine.

You can check out more of Fiona Baker's cross stitch designs over at her Etsy store.

Stitch a delicate cross stitch Christmas tree card

Key features of the cross stitch Christmas tree designs

  • Stitch time: Approx. 6-10 hours each
  • Stitch Types: Cross stitch, backstitch, beads
  • Ease of Stitching: Intermediate

What you’ll need to make the Christmas tree cross stitch

Download Fiona Baker’s free cross stitch Christmas tree pattern PDF

How to attach bugle beads

Using a matching thread shade and a beading needle, start by bringing your needle up through the fabric at the base of the line indicated on the chart. Insert your bead onto your needle (fig.1) and then attach it to the fabric at the end of the bead (fig.2).

Follow the line on the chart for orientation. Tie off the thread on the back side of your stitching after each bead to keep them neat and secure.

What is DMC’s Étoile thread

A cotton-rich thread with strands of shining threads running through it. It’s easy to work with and creates a beautiful light shimmer to your project. Available in 34 shades, it’s easy to add a touch of sparkle to any festive cross stitch.

Personalised Christmas cards

If you want to create a personalised Christmas card this year for somebody special, you can do so by using Jenny Van De Weile's festive alphabet design. Choose their initials and stitch them surrounded by a pretty festive wreath.

Make your Christmas cross stitch shine with Étoile thread

Experiment with your stitching by using Étoile thread which has a light sheen and will make your cards sparkle! By using this special thread on the backstitches, you can accentuate certain parts of the design.

Keep on stitching for Christmas!

There’s nothing like receiving a homemade card or gift. Looking for a last-minute project or want to top up your stash? Stitch this free sparkling bauble design by Maria Diaz.