Swiss darning, also known as duplicate stitch, is a great way to add small details to your knitting. It works by covering a stitch with an embroidery stitch the same shape as the stitch beneath it.
Some beginner knitting patterns use Swiss darning in place of colourwork, because it's an easy way to add details without using more complex techniques such as intarsia. You can also use it to fix small mistakes in Fair Isle and other colourwork knitting. Don't worry about ripping back – just embroider over the error and no one will ever know it was there!
In this tutorial we'll show you how to Swiss darn with a simple step-by-step guide. All you need is a tapestry needle and some yarn, and a piece of stocking stitch knitting to practise on. Try using an old tension square.
When you've mastered this technique why not use it to make our cute raccoon bag charm? Don't forget that Swiss darning isn't the only embroidery stitch you can use to embellish your knitting – take a look at our library of embroidery stitches for beginners for more inspiration.

Swiss darning tutorial
Swiss darning is easy when you know how! Follow our quick three-step guide to find out how duplicate stitch is done.