Welly warmers leg ribbing
Step 1

Cast on 32 stitches onto a double-pointed needle.
Step 2

Divide the sts onto three needles by sliding them over from your cast on needle – you should have 12 sts on your first needle, 8 sts on your second, and 12 sts on your third.
Step 3

PM and join, making sure that your sts are straight on your needles and not twisted around them. It’s really easy to check this by laying your needles down to form a triangle and making sure all your cast on sts face the same way.
Step 4

Work a k2, p2 rib for 13cm (5″). If you want your welly warmers to extend longer down your leg, this is the section you’ll add length to. But remember – if you add length you’ll need more yarn.
Step 5

Inc Round 1: *K1, m1L, K1, then your rib pattern to end of your first needle; rep from * across your second and third needles [35 total sts].
Step 6

Work 4 rounds in new rib pattern – remember, the first three sts of each needle are knit sts.
Step 7

Inc Round 2: *K3,P2,K1,m1L, K1, then work in the rib pattern to the end of your first needle; rep from * across second and third needles [38 total sts].
Step 8

Work 3 rounds even in new rib pattern. Now the rib pattern on each needle starts K3, P2, K3, P2 to compensate for the increases you have made.
Step 9

K 1 round.
Step 10
Inc Round 3:*K4,m1L;
rep from * around all three needles tolasttwosts,K1,m1L,K1[48 total sts].
Step 11
If you want, you can rearrange your stitches so they’re nice and even on your needles. If you want to do this, it’s 16 stitches per needle.
Welly warmer cuff
Step 1
Round 1: Work in K1, P1 around.
Step 2
Work in P1, K1 around.
These two rounds make up seed stitch. Rep Rounds 1 and 2 for a total of 10 rounds.
Step 3
Bind off all stitches loosely – be careful: if you bind off your stitches too tightly you won’t be able to fold the cuff over your boot. Cut the yarn, leaving a 15cm (6″) tail, and secure the end.
Step 4
Thread your 15cm(6″)tail through a tapestry needle and tie off the end by pulling it through the next stitches and closing up the small hole that’s left after your bind- off. Tie a double knot to make sure it stays secure.
Step 21: Weave in the end by threading your tapestry needle into 5-7 stitches down into the fabric of your cuff and pulling your yarn end through them. Cut off the remaining yarn end.
Step 22: Repeat this process for the yarn tail left when you cast on at the other end of your welly warmer.
Step 23: Flip down the welly warmer’s cuff over the ribbed leg section and attach a cute button.