How to knit Norwegian Purl

How to knit Norwegian Purl

When you're knitting in the Continental style, the Norwegian purl is an interesting stitch to try. Faye Perriam-Reed explains how to do it. 

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Published: November 12, 2020 at 9:22 pm

If you have been trying out Continental Knitting (as we covered in our masterclass The Knitter Issue 76) you may also like to have a go at Norwegian purling. This is worked with the yarn tensioned in the left hand and held at the back of the work at all times. Some Continental knitters find this technique easier than the usual method of purling with the yarn in front.

Norwegian purling is also useful when working ribbing and knit-and-purl stitch patterns, as the yarn isn’t constantly being moved backwards and forwards over the work.

How to work a Norwegian purl

Step 1

Holding the yarn in your left hand and at the back of the work, take the RH needle behind the working yarn and insert it purlwise into the first stitch. You may find it easier to hold on to the stitches on your RH needle with your right index finger. (Figs 1 & 2)

Step 2

(Fig 3) Changing the cross of the needles, take the RH behind the LH needle, then (Fig 4) take it over, and then (Fig 5) under the working yarn, at the same time looping the yarn around the needle anti-clockwise, creating what looks like a yarnover on the needle.

Step 3

(Fig 6) Change the cross of the needles again, bringing the RH needle back around to the front of the work, then (Fig 7) bring it down and through the loop on the LH needle towards the back, (Fig 8) angling the new stitch over to the right slightly to avoid picking up the working yarn, and slipping the now worked stitch off the LH needle.

How to work Norwegian Purl steps 1-2

Norwegian Purl tutorial steps 3-4

How to work Norwegian Purl steps 5-6

How to work Norwegian Purl steps 7-8