Lynne Goldsworthy
Quilt designer and author
Lynne Goldsworthy is a modern British quilter who over blogs at Lily’s Quilts (so called because her Welsh husband calls her Lily). She’s a prolific quilt designer and co-founder of The Thread House. Her work is regularly featured in Today’s Quilter and Love Patchwork and Quilting magazines. She’s authored books including 500 Quilt Blocks and Quick & Easy Quilts and co-edited Fat Quarterly E-zine. Sewing since she was a little child, on a business trip to America she fell in love with American quilts and tried her hand at the craft. Then life and family happened and she didn’t pick up another one for a few years, until she discovered Flickr, blogs and online shopping, and immediately ordered some pre-cuts, started her own blog and has never looked back! Find her on Instagram @lilysquilts