Lottie Storey
Freelance writer and content creator
Writer and blogger Lottie lives by the water in Bristol, UK with countless kids and kittens. She features anything that tickles her fancy on her blog.
Recent articles by Lottie Storey
Why do we dream? Discover the science of sleep and how to use it to supercharge your creativity
We delve into the science of sleep and
the nightly stories we conjure up…
How to save your favourite jeans. Discover how to bring your old clothes back to life
When things are broken, do you chuck them out or make do and mend? Consumer culture encourages us to do the former. But with a little TLC, creative karma happens.
The surprising reason why cat owners live longer: find out why cats make us happier and healthier
Lottie Storey celebrates our cuddly confidantes for all the health benefits they can bring, as well as what they can teach us about companionship