Iku Nishikawa
Kintsugi specialist
Iku Nishikawa was born and raised in Kochi, Japan. She studied graphic design in Tokyo and later worked at a fashion marketing office in Milan. While helping at a series of kintsugi workshops and lectures at the Ashmolean Museum and Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, she was attracted to the work and craftmanship of Shimode Muneaki and Takahiko Sato from Kyoto. Iku now runs Kintsugi Oxford, offering repairs and workshops in the practice of traditional kintsugi. You’ll find detailed tutorials, FAQs and lots more information about kintsugi at Iku’s website kintsugioxford.com, as well as all the materials you’ll need. She’s also on Instagram @kintsugioxford
Recent articles by Iku Nishikawa
What is raku pottery? Get to know this unique Japanese pottery technique
Raku pottery is a Japanese firing technique that produces distinctive markings on the surface of ceramics. Learn all about the raku pottery process
How to repair pottery with the kintsugi technique
Transform broken ceramics into something beautiful with the Japanese art of kintsugi.