There’s a new trend emerging from America and it's one we can fully get behind! Perfect for families, trunk or treating is the latest alternative to trick or treating and is popular amongst both parents and children.
What is trunk or treating though? And how can you get involved? We’re going to explain exactly how the trunk or treat concept works and how you can get involved.
What is trunk or treat?
Trunk or treat is a concept created by parents who are nervous about their children going door to door in the traditional trick or treating method.
It involves individuals decorating their boots/trunks of cars and handing out candy from the back. Often all the trucks/cars will park in a designated area, side by side, so the kids can trunk or treat along a line, much like they would in a neighbourhood.
Trunk or treating is designed to keep the kids extra safe, allowing parents to supervise who their kids are talking to and what they’re consuming.
How does trunk or treat work?
Often organised by local schools, groups, churches or families, trunk or treat locations are chosen based on suitability and safety.
Once decided, everyone taking part in the event will arrive at location, open up their trunk and show off their incredible Halloween setups in the back. Each participant will also have loads of fun candies ready to hand out to all the kids.
The best part of trunk or treating is that kids can be independent, going along the cars in groups of friends or by themselves without parents having to worry about strangers or safety.
Trunk or treating also gives families and individuals the perfect opportunity to get creative. Create a themed trunk around your favourite Halloween movie, make spooky set ups to scare the little ones or a silly one to make them giggle. It’s Halloween so have fun!
If you’re still a little stuck on how to transform your trunk into a Halloween scarefest, here’s 13 easy trunk or treat ideas to get you started.
13 easy trunk or treat ideas for 2024
1. A magic carpet ride trunk or treat idea

How gorgeous does this couple look at their trunk or treat celebration? We love this idea as they’ve turned the trunk into a magical sky and incorporated DIY Halloween costumes into the mix.
Disney trunk or treat ideas will be a hit with kids of all ages and there’s so many films to choose from. A Moana trunk, Tangled trunk, Frozen trunk…
Princess Jasmine & Aladdin trunk or treat idea from @cloning007
2. Haunted Mansion trunk or treat idea

The Haunted Mansion movie is a Halloween classic and this incredible trunk or treat idea from Iris Rodriguez does the film justice!
They’ve gone all out on the trunk or treat decorations, adding a mystic globe, vintage chair and matching lamp. Raid the thrift store to recreate this idea or follow some of our DIY tutorials like how to make a lampshade.
Ask the kids to peer into the magical ball, think of their wish then produce some sparkling treats as a prize.
Haunted Mansion trunk or treat idea from Iris Rodriguez
3. Jurassic Park trunk or treat idea

Give the kids a roarsome scare with Data Diva’s Jurassic Park themed trunk or treat idea.
Some fake ivy, a printed Jurassic World sign and some fearsome dinosaur footprints and voila! You have an easy trunk or treat idea that kids and their nostalgic parents will love.
For added dinosaur fun, why not give out gummy dinosaurs and chocolate bones from your trunk?
Jurassic Park easy trunk or treat idea from Data Divas
4. Movie trunk or treat idea

Harking back to the drive-in movie experiences, this easy trunk or treat idea turns your truck into a cinema! We love the bags of popcorn as treats.
The films showing at your truck cinema are entirely up to you. Choose Halloween classics or your kid's favourite films and dress up as the characters on screen.
If you need a little inspiration for what movies to choose, head over to our funny Halloween costumes which are based off some iconic titles!
Easy movie trunk or treat idea from Maria Wagner
5. Pumpkin patch trunk or treat idea

Sometimes it’s good to return to the classics and you can never go wrong with a pumpkin patch. This easy trunk or treat idea can be recreated with some spare wood, crates, and classic fall decor.
Gift little chocolate oranges or bags of mini chocolate pumpkins to the kids to keep on the theme.
If you want to take things a step further, why not set up a mini pumpkin painting station where children can paint a pumpkin to take home with them? Show them these pumpkin painting ideas as inspiration.
Easy pumpkin patch trunk or treat idea from HGTV
6. Skeleton campsite trunk or treat idea

Skeletons deserve to enjoy Halloween too! Turn your trunk into a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy campsite, complete with skeletons and a fairy light campfire. You could make the skeletons from paper if plastic ones aren't available.
Hand out bags filled with marshmallows and twiglets so passerby can have their own campfire cookout.
Skeleton campfire trunk or treat idea from Jodie Gentry
7. Beehive trunk or treat idea

Create a buzz around your trunk with this adorable beehive idea. This is a really affordable trunk and costume option, especially if you’re handy with a sewing machine!
Ruche up some yellow fabric for a bee tutu and car trim then add balloons to make bees. Honey buns or Bit O Honeys make great trunk treats for this idea.
Beehive trunk or treat idea from Melodie Mayer
8. Washing station trunk or treat idea

Get the kids involved in the Halloween chores with this squeaky clean trunk or treat idea. Cardboard can easily be constructed into DIY washing machines and add some old Halloween costumes to the line to give the illusion it's a laundrette for ghouls!
If you want to turn the trunk into an interactive, educational activity ask the kids to pop one piece of clothing on the line into the washing machine. Your sweeties can be their reward!
Washing station trunk or treat idea from Frugal Coupon Living
9. Giant gumball trunk or treat idea

Once again cardboard will be your best friend in this trunk or treat idea. Create the gumball stand from cardboard and use cellophane as the glass ball. Balloons make brilliant gumballs and can even be filled with sweets!
To avoid loud popping noises or mess, pick up some plastic balls online and ask the kids to exchange them for candy instead.
Gumball trunk or treat idea from Delish
10. Where’s Waldo trunk or treat idea

Everyone loves a game of spot the difference so why not recreate this famous game in your trunk? Use your kids' stuffies, or head to the charity shops to collect some, then pop them in the back of your car for a quick trunk or treat idea.
For a more spooky touch use Halloween plushies or animals like bats, cats, frogs and witches. If you’re feeling extra generous why not give each child the animal they spot? Or reward them with an animal from the trunk if they find Waldo.
Where’s Waldo trunk or treat idea from Lady Decluttered
11. Fairy woodland trunk or treat idea

Autumnal trunk or treat ideas are our favourite as they’re so pretty and easy to recreate. Add mushroom lanterns, cut out woodland creatures and loop fake flora and fauna around your trunk to make a fairy wonderland.
Costume ideas include fairies, gnomes or families of animals like bunnies, deer and squirrels. Mini chocolate toadstools and butterflies make ideal treats.
Woodland trunk or treat idea from House Beautiful
12. Harry Potter trunk or treat idea

Your mini witches and wizards will adore this Harry Potter trunk or treat idea. There’s endless ways you could turn your trunk into the wizarding world. Build a Quidditch broom shop, recreate Honeyduke's sweet shop or Hagrid's hut.
Alternatively, opt for an easier trunk or treat idea like Welcoming Sentiments has. She takes you through how to make her Potter trunk over on her blog. It’s simple but no less effective!
Harry Potter trunk or treat idea from Welcoming Sentiments
13. Outer space trunk or treat idea

Anything’s possible when it comes to trunk or treat ideas – even space travel! Zoom through the galaxy with DIY planets, stars and even a cardboard rocket. Fairy lights poked through black fabric make a brilliant starry backdrop.
Your family can dress as astronauts or aliens and hand out flying saucers and chocolate bars like Galaxy, Milky Way and Mars.
Outer space trunk or treat idea from Teaching Expertise
Transform your trunk into a treat this Halloween
Trunk or treat ideas really embody the spirit of Halloween. The whole family can get involved with making trunk or treat decorations, turning it into a fun Halloween activity to do together.
Give the kids mini cutouts to decorate or colour while you work on the matching costumes or wider backdrop. Then you can take your creations out for a spin in your trunk and enjoy the spooky celebrations as a family.
Discover more menacing Halloween decor with Gathered
Now you’ve decked out your trunk, it's time to focus on your house!
Head over to our collection of the best DIY Halloween decorations. There’s over 200 for you to browse, make and display.