How to make seed bombs - paper seed bomb and clay seed bomb tutorials
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How to make seed bombs - paper seed bomb and clay seed bomb tutorials

Seed bombs are fun, easy to make and help save the bumble bees and butterflies! Sarah Jackman Read is here to show you two different ways of making seed bombs to help you spread floral joy all around your town.

Published: August 9, 2022 at 9:33 am

Seed bombs are a clever way to bring some colour and beauty into a barren piece of your garden and are great fun for kids to make. A seed bomb is basically seeds mixed with other ingredients and formed into a ball or a shape and then dried out. Once dried they can to given as a gift or thrown in your own garden. The basic principle is once the seed bombs get wet the outer layers start to disintegrate as the seeds inside start to germinate. Eventually, you will have a gorgeous bunch of blooms to enjoy where your seed bomb landed.

There are two types of seed bombs that you can create, one where the seeds are mixed with air dry clay and compost or one that uses pulped paper to incase the seeds. Both can be made into balls or shaped in a cookie cutter or silicone mould. The clay version tends to be a little more rustic whereas the paper ones can be made in a huge array of colours. Use a coloured paper of your choice or add some food colouring to it.

Seed bombs are becoming increasingly popular to give as DIY wedding favours and they work very well in a rustic-themed setting. They can be made to compliment any wedding colour scheme and look lovely in an organza bag with perhaps a personal tag added.

For more sustainable garden tutorials head over to our DIY plastic bottle wreath and our how to make an upcycled bird feeder tutorial. We also have a collection of sustainable DIY and crafts here on Gathered.

You will need (clay seed bombs)

Flower seeds

There's plenty of seed mixes you can use for your seed bombs. You can use any seeds you like but mixed flower seeds are more fun as you never know what array of flowers will appear. They're also great for the environment as they're loved by butterflies and bees. If you want to specifically help the honey bees we'd recommend including lavender, foxgloves, honeysuckle and crocus seeds. For butterflies include buddleia, red valerian, sedum and hebe seeds.

Air dry clay


Cookie cutter

Rolling pin

You will need (paper seed bombs)

Plain paper

Scissors or guillotine

Flower seeds




Cookie cutter

How to make clay seed bombs

You will need:

  • Air dry clay in the colour of your choice
  • Flower seeds
  • Compost
  • Cookie cutter or silicone mould (optional)
  • Rolling pin
  • Plain paper
  • Scissors
  • Blender
  • Water
  • Bowl

Step 1

how to make clay seed bombs step 1

Take a piece of air dry clay in the colour of your choice then flatten out into a rough circle.

Step 2

how to make clay seed bombs step 2

Sprinkle some multi-purpose compost on top of the clay followed by a layer of flower seeds.

Step 3

how to make clay seed bombs step 3

Fold the circle in on itself then knead together so the compost and seeds are evenly distributed through the clay.

Step 4

how to make clay seed bombs step 4

Take small pieces of the clay and roll into balls approximately 2cm in size. Leave to dry for at least 24 hours.

Step 5

how to make clay seed bombs step 5

Alternatively, to make heart shape seed bombs roll out the clay to approximately 1cm thick.

Step 6

how to make clay seed bombs step 6

Use a cookie cutter to cut out heart shapes then leave to dry for at least 24 hours.

Heart clay seed bombs

How to make paper seed bombs

Step 1

how to make paper seed bombs step 1

Take several sheets of your chosen paper and trim into 2.5cm squares. Place in a bowl then cover with water. Leave to soak for at least an hour.

Step 2

how to make paper seed bombs step 2

Transfer the paper squares and water to a blender cup then blend. If the paper squares are getting stuck to the sides, add a little more water, shake the cup then blend again until you have a smooth pulp.

Step 3

how to make paper seed bombs step 3

Remove the pulp from the blending cup then squeeze out all the excess water. Place the squeezed pulp in a bowl.

Step 4

how to make paper seed bombs step 5

Sprinkle flower seeds on top of the pulp then work them in thoroughly with your hands.

Step 5

how to make paper seed bombs step 6

Lay a heart cookie cutter on a flat surface then take a small ball of pulp and push it firmly into the base of the cutter, approximately 1.5cm thick. Remove the cutter then leave the heart to dry for at least 24 hours.

heart paper seed bombs

We hope you’ve enjoyed making our seed bombs! While you’re in the garden spreading your seed bombs why not pick up a few flowers and make our lavender oil and DIY cuticle oil? We also have plenty of DIY eco-friendly products which are made using entirely natural ingredients.