How to make fluffy slime
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How to make fluffy slime

Take your slime skills to the next level with our simple guide on how to make fluffy slime, the perfect activity to keep your little ones busy.

Published: July 8, 2024 at 7:34 am

If you and your kids love the satisfying squeeze of slime, you may like to find out how to make fluffy slime!

To make the slime fluffy and puffy this recipe calls for shaving foam, this creates a smoother, more fluffy texture and adds volume to the mixture, meaning you'll get more slime for the same amount of glue.

The shaving foam will also make it feel less wet, making it easier to handle. Depending on whether or not you use scented shaving foam, you may also end up with scented slime! So keep that in mind if you’re buying shaving foam especially to make slime.

Your little ones will love stretching and squeezing this satisfying fluffy slime! Believe it or not, slime is actually an amazing sensory experience for your little ones, helping with focus, playing independently, and also has great calming effects.

You might even want to make a batch for yourself for those stressful days! Choose your favourite colours and decorations, we are a big fan of the googly eyes and making our slimes into monsters. Now it's time to whip up the slime of your dreams!

If you're looking for the recipe for regular non-fluffy slime we also have one of those too: how to make slime guide.

If you love getting the kids involved and experimenting with new crafts we have plenty more where this one came from! Try the cool puffy paint, and make use of that leftover shaving foam (who knew it had so many uses). We also have a great guide on How to make kinetic sand, perfect for bringing out your kids' inner scientists.

How to make fluffy slime video guide:

Follow along with our easy guide and find out how to make fluffy slime.

What you'll need to make fluffy slime:

Step 1

Pour approximately 200ml of white PVA glue into a mixing bowl. Just like the basic slime recipe, you don’t need to be too specific with measurements!

How to make fluffy slime – step 1

Step 2

Add food colouring to the PVA glue, and mix well. You might like to add a little more than for the basic slime recipe, as the addition of shaving foam later will dilute the colour.

How to make fluffy slime – step 2

Step 3

Squirt in some shaving foam! But remember, it doesn’t have to be shaving foam, it can be foaming shaving gel (as I’m using here). This is because the action of mixing will turn the gel into a foam. Just make sure you’re using something that foams. Mix until you achieve a smooth-ish consistency.

How to make fluffy slime – step 3

Step 4

Add in two teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda, and mix well.

How to make fluffy slime – step 4


Step 5

Now to add your activator, so go ahead and squirt on some contact lens solution or Elmer’s Magical Liquid.

How to make fluffy slime – step 5

Step 6

As with the basic slime recipe, gradually mix in the activator until the mixture becomes sticky and starts coming away from the sides of the bowl.

How to make fluffy slime – step 6

Step 7

Now get your hands in and start kneading the mixture by stretching and squashing the slime. Add more activator, a drop at a time, until you achieve a fluffy glob-like consistency.

How to make fluffy slime – step 7

Step 8

Once you’re happy with the consistency, add in any extra bits that you like. Try adding googly eyes, glitter, sequins or plastic insects! Store in an airtight container.

How to make fluffy slime with eyes

If you loved creating fluffy slime with your little ones we have plenty of inspiration for your next project, head over to our craft ideas for kids or crafts for toddlers if you have younger ones. If your kids love messy play we also have a fab tutorial on how to make puffy paint, where they’ll be able to make some unique artwork! We also have lots of other hands-on craft recipe guides and ideas, try out the playdough recipe or the easy salt dough recipe for cheap and easy fun. You could even try your hands at these easy DIY school supplies, and get them ready for next term.

If you are looking for a craft for yourself don’t forget to check out our daily free craft patterns and the latest craft trends so you can enjoy the wonderful world of craft as much as your little ones.