Step 1
Attach the ribbon to the wire base
Attach three ribbons securely to the wire base using the florist’s wire or pipe cleaners.
We’ve used three 3m rolls to make this wreath, but you could use more if you want your wreath to look fuller.

Step 2
Creating your first ribbon section
Puff out the ribbons and bend them to create dimension, then attach them to the wreath base with another wire to create your first section.

Fabulous festive wreath ideas
Looking for creative wreath making inspiration for the holidays? There are endless ways to make your own!
Check out Gathered’s Christmas wreath ideas to find unique projects to craft.
Step 3
Work your way around the wreath
Bend the ribbons again, then pinch them together at the base and fix them to the wire frame using more florist’s wire.
Work your way around the wreath until you get back to where you started. Secure the end of the ribbon and cut it from the roll.

Step 4
Fill out your wreath with a second layer
Move on to the next circle of the wreath base.
Take your three ribbons and secure them to the base using wire. We’d recommend moving slightly around the circle so that your gathered ribbons don’t line up with the first round. This will give your wreath a more natural look.

Step 5
Complete the second circle
Repeat the same process of puffing out the ribbons and fixing them in place until you get to the end, then use wire to complete the circle.

Step 6
Tidy up any stray wires
Work around the wreath and twist any stray wires together, then coil them around the wreath base so they can’t be seen from the front.

Step 7
Cover the wreath with tiny baubles
Time for the decorations! Tie mini baubles to the wreath base to hide the places where the wire holds the ribbon to the frame.
If you like, you could wind a ribbon around the wreath to complete the look, or even introduce a string of LED fairy lights.
If your ribbon wreath has got a little crushed in the making process, work your way around and reshape the ribbons until you’re happy with how they look.

Step 8
Complete the wreath with a ribbon
Finally, finish the wreath by adding some ribbon at the top so you can hang it on your door.