How to make a crown out of paper (no glue needed!)
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How to make a crown out of paper (no glue needed!)

Feel like royalty with our easy-to-follow tutorial showing how to make a paper crown.

Published: May 3, 2023 at 9:13 am

Embrace your inner queen or king with our super-easy guide to how to make a crown out of paper! Create a statement at the next birthday party you attend with this fancy reusable crown.

You and the kids can make this paper crown in only a few steps and will only take around 5 minutes to finish! Once you're done you can decorate or crown however you like, or simply just wear it as is.

To make this paper crown all you need is paper, a pencil, and some scissors - no glue required. You can choose whatever colour paper you like but we recommend choosing the fanciest paper you've got to make your crown extra glamorous.

We've opted for a thick gold paper (thicker paper works better because it is more sturdy, but you can use whatever you have around the house too), but we love that glitzy royal look.

Whether you're getting ready for a birthday party, celebrating a royal occasion or creating a homemade costume, this easy tutorial will show you how to make a paper crown in no time.

How to make a crown out of paper video tutorial

What you'll need to make a paper crown:

  • A4 paper 0f any thickness (thicker paper or card may be more sturdy though)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

How to make a crown out of paper step-by-step (with pictures)

You will need:

  • A4 paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

Step 1

Draw spikes on your paper lengthways (as little or as many as you’d like on your crown)

how to make a crown out of paper


Step 2

Cut out your spikes

how to make a crown out of paper step 2

Step 3

Cut a straight line under your spikes, this will be the bottom of your crown. Use a ruler and pencil to draw a line if you need to.

how to make a crown out of paper step 3

Step 4

Cut another strip of paper for the back of the crown (you can make it longer or shorter to fit if needed)

how to make a crown out of paper step 4


Step 5

Place the strip on the crown and draw a dot on opposite sides to mark out where the slits will be cut.

how to make a crown out of paper step 5

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Keep your children entertained over the school holidays with Gathered’s fun art and craft ideas for kids to make at home.

Step 6

Join the dots together to create a line, this will be the line you cut.

how to make a crown out of paper step 6

Step 7

Fold the crown on the line you just drew, and cut a slit either side of the fold cutting through where you made the dot.

how to make a crown out of paper step 7
how to make a crown out of paper step 8

Step 8

Pop up the slit you just made and slide the scissors in one end, now you can cut across the line to create the slit.

Do this three more times on each line you’ve drawn and you will be left with four slits.

how to make a crown out of paper step 9

Step 9

Fold each end of the strip into a point, this will hold the crown in place.

how to make a crown out of paper step 10

Step 10

Thread the strip through the slits you just made in the crown. Going under then up and through the second slit.

The point you folded will catch the other side and stay in place (no glue needed!)

how to make a crown out of paper step 11
how to make a crown out of paper step 12

Step 11

That's it! Once you have attached both sides of the strip your crown is ready to be adorned! You can wear it as is, or you can go on to decorate it, maybe cutting some gem shapes out of shiny paper, or using stickers to jazz it up.

how to make a crown out of paper

Feel royal for the day by learning how to make a paper crown

Celebrate in style with your own shimmering paper crown! This easy project can be whipped up in minutes and it’s simple enough for children to try too.

We’d recommend using gold or silver paper for extra glamour, but you can get creative with any paper you have at home.

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Give an old box a new lease of life by transforming it into a cardboard castle! This project is a fun way to keep children entertained and you can make it as large or small as you like.

Learn how to make a cardboard castle with Gathered.