Step 1
Prepping your pumpkin for carving
Prepare your pumpkin by washing it and wiping it down to remove any dust that may have accumulated.

Step 2
Transfer your pumpkin template onto your pumpkin
Download and print one pumpkin template (this one is from Schusters Farm) pumpkin template (this one is from Schusters Farm) onto an A4 sheet of paper. Tape the paper template onto your pumpkin so that it doesn’t move around.
Use a sharp object (like a pin, needle or pokey tool) and go over the design to transfer the image to the pumpkin below.
Alternatively, grab a pen (a dry wipe pen or Sharpie is ideal) and sketch out a design on the pumpkin. Once you’re happy with your design, you’re ready to start carving!

Step 3
How to hollow out a pumpkin
Now get ready to make some mess! Pumpkin carving is a messy job and it’s a good idea to have something nearby to put the pumpkin guts in.
Draw a circular lid around the pumpkin stem. Depending on the size of your pumpkin, your lid should be around 12-15cm in diameter. Remember it needs to be big enough for you to be able to get your hand in to rummage around.
Using a small knife with a serrated blade, start cutting into the pumpkin following the line of the lid.
Cut at a 45º inward angle, so that the lid does not fall into the pumpkin when it is empty.

Step 4
Remove the pumpkin seeds
Put the lid aside and start removing the pumpkin seeds. They are all attached to each other in big stringy lumps, so dive in and pull them out.
Set them aside in a container, they’re great for roasting (and delicious!).

Step 5
Scrape away remaining pumpkin flesh
Using a spoon, scrape out all the remaining stringy guts of the pumpkin. There’s not much we can do with them, so toss them in the compost.
Scrape close to the pumpkin walls and get it as clean as possible before moving on to the next step.

Step 6
Rinse your pumpkin
Now that your pumpkin is gutted, it probably resembles a nice slimy mess. So go ahead and give it a rinse, then pat it dry. Slime and knives are not a good mix!

Step 7
How to carve a pumpkin
Now, using the same knife as before, follow the pin lines and cut into your pumpkin. Make straight cuts all the way through and put the pieces aside.
These extra pieces are useful for making accessories for your pumpkin (like a pipe or a tongue) or as food for your garden wildlife (squirrels especially!).

Step 8
Smooth the edges of your carving
If you’re left with unwanted jagged edges, you might like to neaten up the edges at this point with a craft knife.

Step 9
Watch your pumpkin carving creation glow
Now for the best part! Find a place to put your pumpkin and slip a tealight candle inside. Use a long match to light the candle, then replace the lid. Alternatively, use a battery-operated tealight.
Now sit back and enjoy the spooky glow from all your hard work!

How to carve a pumpkin without cutting through
As before, you’ll want to first hollow out your pumpkin first, so that there is space to put a light inside.
To carve a pumpkin without cutting through, all you need to do is “scrape" away the bright orange rind, revealing the lighter meat underneath. If you’re familiar with lino cutting, then it’s a similar technique to that. Light travels easily through the pumpkin meat, so you don’t need to scrape away much. (See image below)
The more you scrape, the brighter your design will appear when there is light inside your pumpkin. So, for “shaded" areas, only gently scrape away the rind – leaving the meat fairly thick. For the highlights – scrape away a few centimetres worth of meat.
Check out our pumpkin faces round-up for pumpkin carving ideas.