Candle painting: How to paint candles using wax

Candle painting: How to paint candles using wax

Learn the art of candle painting using melted coloured wax from tea lights or other coloured candles.

Published: February 2, 2024 at 9:00 am

Candle painting is a great way to add a new lease of life to any plain candles you may have at home. 

It’s an ideal way to embrace the seasons too by matching designs to certain events throughout the year. They can also be painted to match your home decor, adding a touch of personalisation.

Candle painting using coloured wax, either from melted tea lights or a coloured candle is a really fun way to decorate a plain candle. As it’s wax on wax, it means the decorated candle can be burned safely without any concerns about paint fumes. 

Because the melted wax solidifies onto the candle almost instantly, it means candle painting is a quick craft to enjoy. Here are three simple designs for you to try.

how to do Batik art step 7

Wonderful wax prints

If you would like to experiment more with melted wax techniques then this beginners guide to batik art is the perfect starting point.

You will need

  • White Pillar Candles - These are the perfect base for candle painting as they have plenty of surface area to paint.
  • Art paint brushes - 1-3 depending on design. Art paint brushes with smooth tight bristles work best as they pick up the melted wax effectively and leave minimal bristle lines on the candle.
  • Safety lighter - Using a safety lighter is preferable to using a regular lighter or matches to ignite the tea lights as it helps avoid any finger burns.

Step 1

candle painting - step 1

To create a fun flower design start by lighting a coloured tea light for the petals and a contrasting coloured tea light for the centre.

Leave them to burn for several minutes until a small pool of melted wax collects around the wicks.

Step 2

candle painting - step 2

Hold a white pillar candle steady in one hand then take a small paintbrush and dip it into the melted wax.

Quickly apply to the candle in a small, quick stroke. Repeat several more times in a rough circle, leaving a small gap in the centre. Repeat across the whole candle.

Tip - work quickly when picking up the wax and applying it as it sets very quickly.

Step 3

candle painting - step 3

Wipe the paintbrush on a paper towel or kitchen roll to remove any excess wax.

Dip the paintbrush into the contrasting colour then apply to the centre of each flower.

Step 4

candle painting - step 4

To create a heart pattern, light a red tea light or candle then leave to melt for several minutes.

Pick up the melted wax with a small paintbrush then apply a small diagonal brush stroke to a plain candle.

Pick up more wax then apply another small diagonal brush stroke going the other way so it joins the first one at the bottom. Repeat over the whole candle.

Step 5

candle painting - step 5

Don't panic if you make a mistake, it can be easily rectified. Once the wax has set, use a craft knife to lightly scrape off the unwanted wax then reapply.

Step 6

candle painting - step 6

To create a delicate foliage design, take two tealights in two different tones of the same colour, light, then leave to melt.

Pick up some melted wax with a small paintbrush and apply to the candle in an arc.

Pick up more wax then add two small lines to the arc to create a branch. Repeat over the candle, leaving some gaps.

Step 7

candle painting - step 7

Pick up the darker tone melted wax with the paintbrush then add branches in between the other ones.

Create your own candle painting masterpieces

It really is that simple to create super-cute decorated candles. Of course you don’t have to stick to simple shapes, once you’ve had a bit of practice you can try getting really creative.

Try experimenting with layering different colours, or using a craft knife to tidy up the edges of your coloured designs.

Make colourful candles from scratch

If you would like to try out some more candle creations then why not make these beautiful Pink ombré candles with Gathered?

How to make pink ombré candles landscape